Are we getting younger?



I was just sitting here thinking, probably a bad idea. I'm going to be 60 this coming June. When I was younger, those people that were 60 seemed to have one foot in the grave. They were "old"! Now that I am at that point in my life, I don't feel "old". I can pretty much do whatever I did when I was in my 30's. Other than I could definitely get into better shape, I can still hike and hunt and pack just fine. The hills are a little steeper and the body hurts a little more but that's what popping a few pills is for. Maybe its all in my mind, but if I was to compare me to what 60 used to be, I would place me at about 35 to 40. How do others feel?
Was talking about this very thing with a freind last night. While only 51 soon to be 52 I don't feel as old as I am. Other than taking a little longer to heal when I do get dinged, I can still do the same things I did when I was 30-35. Still very active. Hoping to keep going a few more years.

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