Are The Republicans Trying To Lose In '08?



If you watch the news it's like the republicans want Hillary elected. all four front runners snub the hispanic and now the black voters debates. then Bush says he'll veto the child health insurance bill. I can't say these issues are near and dear to me but if you're going to play the game you have to get in it to win. stuff like this will bite them next fall, are they this stupid or have they givin up? I was thinking I might go for Giuliani over Hillary if he backs down on the war, but if he and Bush keep it up Hillary may as well start packing for her move back into the whitehouse.
Hillary capitulated on the war as well. It was on the news the other day. You'd better find yourself a different peace-nik to surrender with. When would be an acceptable time frame to turn Iraqs vast resources over to Syria and Iran? I could keep my ears and eyes open for you. I think Ron Paul or Kocinich are pressing for immediate surrender, whereas Osama Obama would rather see us downsize and just leave a token amount of troops on the periphery. That may be a death sentence for them, but at least we will be out of there.

I'll try to help you where I can.
If you don't see Iran is already close to Iraq and only going to get closer I don't need your help, it's as useless as the X's on the map where all the WMD's were stashed. how long we stay in Iraq isn't going to change anything, unless you're going to convert them all to Christians so they like you better than Shiite Iranians. good luck with that, they seem real open to new ideas. if you think "Stay the coarse" is working or will work you're as lost as any polititians chances who agree with you. reality, what a concept huh?

You didn't say why the republicans seem to have political suicide on the brain? kids and minorities aren't hot political topics anymore? . even if we don't care there are serious political ramifications , the dems are going to beat them over the head with this kind of stuff. what gives?

Might not be bleak just yet. Presidential elections as you know have to be won state by state. Polls might show Clinton with a lead. Keep in mind that likely dem voters are usually consentrated on the seaboards with only so many electorial votes. Would be hard for me to believe she could win a southern state or many of the mountain and heartland states. As far as the congress/ senate you might be right.


I applaud them not buckling under pressure and smooching with groups that will NOT vote for them in the first place. As for CHIP, many conservatives are concerned this new bill is a giant step toward socialized healthcare, which is what the libs want, not conservatives. You say you are a moderate, and for some reason believe all conservatives should be 'moderate', which would make them un-conservative. As was mentioned, the only two canidates that agree with your stance on Iraq are Paul and Kusinch, two complete nutbags, which should really appeal to you. I think the republicans are fianlly figuring out(I hope anyway) that catering and buckling to the Moveon crowd is NOT how to win in 08. To use polls to decide where you stand on an issue is a 'progressive' trick, one I hope the republicans avoid like the plague.

Hey don't get me wrong I don't care much about health care for kids at my expense ,or black voters either for that matter. but then again I'm not running for office. blacks did vote for Bush, in fact the high percentage of the black vote in Ohio gave the state to Bush in the last election. without Ohio Bush would have lost, all votes count in a close election. with your attitude I suppose it won't be close enough to matter, if you want Hillary for president you're onto something.
We'll see. I know the republicans should NOT follow your advice on the war, health care, immigration if they want to be elected. Other than that, I believe that Hilary will be 'exposed' for what she is in time to scare voters awayin due time.

Yes, what they did before the mid terms worked so well why change that strategy?
I am not against a woman being president, but I hope to God the average citizen see's what Hilary really is ( a #####). We don't need another Clinton in the White House. It is amazing how so many people have such short term memories.
What your basically saying is that Repubs have to buy votes by giving money away for health care (this bill expands health care coverage to kids in families that earn as much as $80k or 4x poverty level).

As for Repubs skipping the debate, it's in the same category as dems skipping the Fox News Debate. Too many debates anyway.

Repubs will only get abouy 9% of the black vote anyway. Why go?
Buy votes? you bet. how will the republicans justify the cost of a kids program being the reason it get's vetoed when they can come up with unlimited funds to fight a war most Americans are against? it's called politics, the dems will capitolize on it.

The dems skipping the FOX debate is like the republicans skipping the debate. skipping a biased news organization doesn't have the political ramifications of skipping a race.

The black vote is very important in a close election, not to mention they're a vocal hard to please group anyway. the goal should be to increase the percentage of the black vote they get, not toss away what they have. chances are they wouldn't have promised the black voters what they wanted anyway but like Gingrich said , this was a mistake.

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