Are The Raiders that bad.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-09 AT 03:59PM (MST)[p]The Raiders really are the most pathetic team in the NFL. They would do well to find themselves an average QB. Russell is the complete shiz!
I don't know if Detroit, Tampa Bay, Buffalo, St. Louis, and Kansas City would agree with you. They are pretty pathetic as well.

Historically, Detroit has got to be the worst team ever.
Yep - they are that bad.

No direction, no leadership, no offense, no defense. They are lucky they got the one victory they did.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Yep they are that bad and it all starts at the top
>Yep - they are that bad.
>No direction, no leadership, no offense,
>no defense. They are lucky
>they got the one victory
>they did.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

HA HA HA! Typical RaiderGuy response.

Yep - things are all fixed in RaiderNation now. Pencil them in for the Superbowl - go bet your next pay check on that one DryFly!


PS - do you think Cable is going to get bail?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
All I am saying is that they aren't the worst team in the league.

What would a non-typical RaiderGuy response be? Yep, we are still the worst team in history, we just got lucky again?

I don't know/care if Cable is going to get bail.

The Raiders were in a superbowl six years ago. I know it seems hard to believe given the last six years of ineptitude, but they will be back.

We will take the little victory and look forward to next week. They are looking at a 6-10 season if they are fortunate.

Hopefully your team does better so you can continue to feel superior and insult my intelligence with Superbowl & jail jokes.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-09 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]DryFlyRaiderGuy - wasn't meaning to insult your intelligence - just a little razzing, that's all.

Probably should have a little thicker skin if you are going to trash talk here on MM - especially about the Raiders - you are right I don't NEED to make up any jokes about them!

And the question about Cable wasn't really a joke - nothing funny about it really, just wondering if you think he is going to be around to coach his team. Also, do you think the league will suspend him? I say they have to with all the heaviness they are bringing down on the players. When a coach does something this extreme I am sure the hammer will fall harder on him.

GO BRONCOS!! 6-0 after tonight baby!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)


Some devoted fans...



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
The skin is plenty thick, thanks. The razzing is fine and good, I just thought it was nice to see the Raiders win after reading this thread earlier in the week.

I won't even bring up last year and how the Broncos pooped away the playoffs or how the Raiders went into Invesco and kicked their butts while the Broncos were slipping out of playoff contention. I wouldn't do that.

I don't know what is going to happen to Cable. I do know that this assistant coach had a similar blow up with a member of Lane Kiffin's staff and that Al Davis backed the assistant and held it against Kiffin. I can say that there is no way Al Davis would continue to pay the assistant while he is on adminstrative leave without Al Davis having his back to some degree. Al is two things: extremely loyal (if you are loyal to him) and notoriously cheap (when it comes to paying coaches).

The teams disfunction is very disheartening from a fan's perspective, but Bronco fans are starting to know how that feels after this last offseason. The five victories have sugar-coated the nasty taste of the offseason, but if the Broncos collapse down the stretch, which has been there M.O. in recent years, things will start to get ugly again in Donkeyville.

As it is, enjoy the wins and razz me all you want. I've been insulted by dumber than you (<-pre-emptive razzing).
>As it is, enjoy the wins
>and razz me all you
>want. I've been insulted by
>dumber than you (<-pre-emptive razzing).

I'm sure you have - Charger's fans no doubt!! LOL

(And yes I am just waiting for Kyle Orton to turn back into Kyle Orton!)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
How many of you have ever heard of "On Any Sunday"? The Raiders were really pathetic in their last outing against one of the better offensive-minded teams, weren't they?:)
NVPETE - Please see post #8. Then post #10, unless again I am misunderstood.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>AT 01:59?PM (MST)

>>And the question about Cable wasn't
>really a joke - nothing
>funny about it really, just
>wondering if you think he
>is going to be around
>to coach his team. Also,
>do you think the league
>will suspend him? I say
>they have to with all
>the heaviness they are bringing
>down on the players. When
>a coach does something this
>extreme I am sure the
>hammer will fall harder on
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Well it appears there won't be any charges brought against him after a two month investigation.

"Under the facts and circumstances of this case, it would be a miscarriage of justice to pursue criminal charges and we will not ask our citizens to give up their valuable time for jury duty, nor will we allow our criminal justice system to be compromised"
Super Bowl 6 years ago?

That was a great example of Raider football. A record 6 interceptions THROWN by Gannon. Too bad Tim Brown couldn't catch thoes balls thrown into his hands during the fourth quarter.
For the record, if Tom Cable is the jack-hole which I now believe him to be, I hope Al fires him. If these allegations about D.V. are true, he'll be gone.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-09 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]Originally posted by UTROY:
>No direction, no leadership, no offense,
>no defense. They are lucky
>they got the one victory
>they did.

For a moment there, I thought you were talking about Obamination. Your phrase speaks so directly to them, it fits them even better than the Raiders.
Nah. Didn't misunderstand post! Guess that Philly game was some kind of fluke. I did like the Raiders of yrs. ago...they had some good chemistry going and some awesome players that are now HoF'ers!
Her is the best thing about the Raiders.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Things to set your watch to:

1. The Broncos collapsing in December.

2. The Raiders winning games they shouldn't (i.e. Philly, Denver, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati) and losing everything else.
Those dirty butt raiders are close to being a good team. You don't beat the teams they have beaten if you aren't. They were going along pretty good, Dallas whipped em pretty bad though, I think they ran about 10 plays on the cowboys side of the field on T-giving. But you can't over look them. Clearly not the worst team in football.
Freaking Donkeys. Oh well, we win this week and Pittsburgh beats the Ravens and we are in. We will see.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
We should have won that game roy if the refs would have called that hoding foul at the end of the game.
That was a guaranteed field goal for a win against them thugs.

You want to blame the loss on holding foul as time ran out? The fact the December Donkeys lost while Russel was on the field should embarrass any Denver fan into not making comments like that.

If Al will leave them alone this off season and Gradkowski is the starter I would put Oakland ahead of Denver at seasons end.

The only thing better than seeing Denver lose? Watching them build up the fans only to crap away their dreams by playoff time!
That was a ROUGH second half to watch...I blame the game on the dipchit that was shining the lazer pointer...all Denver's good momentum completely stopped after that happened :-(


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