are hunters really conservationist ?

Her logic is idiotic at best.



These days, I rarely trust any article that doesn't allow for commentary...

This is pretty typical of incredibly biased propaganda. She quotes a biased documentary movie as if it is gospel testimony. She uses numbers provided by the same. And the quotes she uses from said documentary are vague at best, "outside sources agree", for example.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
the unfortunate part is they have a platform from which they spew their lies and are believed so much as to form laws in this country...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-16 AT 03:17PM (MST)[p]>the unfortunate part is they have
>a platform from which they
>spew their lies and are
>believed so much as to
>form laws in this country...

The broad is full of doodoo, but you are correct in that many that have no idea of the truth will read that propaganda and send their hard earned money to a jerk like Wayne Pacelle and it will go in his pocket! Her comment of less that 2 or 3 thousand dollars of a $50K hunt going back to help the habitat and local people is ludicrous.
Even if only $1,500 of his $50,000 funded real conservation acts I guarantee thats more money spent then almost all of the lion-huggers. Also, I guess that these lion-huggers don't do much research because if they did they would find an article from a RELIABLE source instead of from a removed perspective. The reliable source is a writer that's actually from Zimbabwe and has experienced FIRSTHAND living with lions. Here's the article you should read it and get information from a real African instead of some ignorant American.

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