Are any of these big?


Active Member
Sheep vary a lot from state to state and species to species so BIG is relative.
Are they Rockies, Calis or Deserts?
Mass is king with sheep so the second from the right definitely out-classes the others.
The second ram would require a better look. He's getting that blocky, broomed look but maybe flyingbrass is right.
LBH hit the nail on the head. "Big" is a relative term. Sheep vary so much from unit, area, sub-species and State, that it would be hard for us to know unless we had more info and a much better look at that ram.
Except for that one ram, all the others need more time on the mountain.... like 3-7 years.
Have no idea but if I ever draw a sheep tag, one of those would be dead. Odds are way to short for me to pass up rams waiting for a bigger one...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?

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