
seems like to me everytime i watch new hunting shows or videos or talk to hunters it seems like everyone is switching to "Ultra Mags" it seems like to me in order to kill a muley or elk you need at least an ultra mag or it won't be a "clean kill" i dont know maybe its just me but whatever happened to using .243 or .270 .308 or 06?? maybe you need a lot more gun now to kill big game, but my family has used these "smaller calibers" and we kill em just as quick. not to make anyone mad but the only reason in my mind you would want one is to shoot really far? then comes the question if its past 400 why shoot?? hah
I think it has more to do with the gun manufacturers efforts to sell guns. They want you to put that .243 or 06 in the gun cabinet and buy a new gun. "You need a sleek, sexy, hard hitting, new gun." And it works!

No they are not bigger!

You can't do this kind of damage with a PISSCUTTER 243!


I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
The power of advertising!
Some fall for for it and some don't. Look to the side of your screen right now!
Well people need those bigger caliber guns because those smaller caliber ones just don't put animals down when You gut shoot them.
F'er did make it.

I don't understand the craze for the short mags and ultra mags. But I did step up from a 270 to a 300 win mag, love it but the coyotes in utah are getting a lot bigger so my 270 is my coyote gun ;)

>F'er did make it.
>I don't understand the craze for
>the short mags and ultra
>mags. But I did step
>up from a 270 to
>a 300 win mag, love
>it but the coyotes in
>utah are getting a lot
>bigger so my 270 is
>my coyote gun ;)

So are the cougars and wolves(I mean hybid dogs that have escaped from there owners). Seems they ate all the deer. When I was a kid(you know way back in the early 90's) and was getting a gun the real men shot '06 and 7mm. Now they are for women and small framed children. At 6'5 and over 250 I guess I fall in the small frame category cuz I still shoot that old a-bolt in the '06, don't really like to be punished! Why is it that you see a guy around 5'7 and he is rolling in a 6 inch lifted crew cab shooting a huge magnum or ultra mag? Compensating?? Don't freak out, just playing with you guys!!!!
Are animals getting bigger? No. But there is a study out that shows that the sex organs of American men are getting smaller except in rare cases. To compensate for this they are shooting magnum guns, driving chipped diesel trucks with 20 inch wheels and 38 inch tires, wearing bigger backpacks and paying more for just about everything.

Now if you'll excuse me I've got to drive my Geo Metro to the range and practice shooting my daisy BB gun for my upcoming grizzly bear hunt.
i dont care what anyone else here thinks.. but i have killed plenty of big deer with 10 pumps from my pellet gun. with only 2 pumps that thing will break the skin... imagine now at 20 ft what it will do to a big buck... WOW... talk about muscle trama. that .177 19 grain pellet really lays it to the deer. i find it a bit over powered at times.. but its very forgiving on my shoulder after a day at the bench...
>...with only 2 pumps that thing will break the skin...

I think justr can vouch that a BB gun will easily break the skin...

Nocked N Loaded
>>...with only 2 pumps that thing will break the skin...
>I think justr can vouch that
>a BB gun will easily
>break the skin...
>Nocked N Loaded

Thanks for the flashback JACO, @$$hole! I'm trying to forget about having to pry a bb that sunk an inch into my right buttcheek from your gun.

:) Speaking of @$$holes, don't you have two now? haha just messin with ya.

I'm gonna have to dig out the ol' Daisy and wipe the dust off of it.

Nocked N Loaded
As for the original post, I agree that most people either buy into the advertising, or they are just trying to "keep up with the Jones's" so to speak. They can't stand it that their buddy is carrying around a .338 Lapua on the deer hunt versus their old trusty .243. My grandpa still shares stories of dropping bull elk in their tracks with his .243, the same .243 that I killed my first and second deer with. Same gun my little sister hunts deer with to this day.

Nocked N Loaded
If I remember right my dad broke mine over his knee after that. Not sure its hard to keep all the times we got in trouble straight.......

In the mid 60's my dad got his first deer rifle, a .303 british. Yup like a lot of kids in his age group he hunted an iron sighted army surplus. That .303 has killed more big deer than all of the guns the rest of our family owns put together. It does hit fairly hard but you can watch the bullet fly. It has army sights with windage adjustments, which with it are extremely necessarily, and again it flat kills. It however is not really pretty. Doesn't sound as cool as a .303 magnum, or .303 ultra mag. It doesn't have a 10x50 scope on it. By no means is it sexy. But it kills. It kills, it kills. BUT, I like guns, I like gun manufacturers, so if it means constantly selling new and improved for them to stay in buisness then good for them. Funny how the pistol guys seem to be much more secure than us rifle guys though. The 1911 is still the shizz. One hundred years later it is still the shizz. A hundred years later and while still popular, the 30-06 seems to never enter the conversation any more, yet when I was a kid if you had the 30-06 you WERE shooting the big gun, I bought into that and still to this day my old 06', kills everything I can hit. I am one of those guys who likes new guns, but I think there is something cool about a guy who has hunted with the same gun his whole life, so I still rock that '06, and still shoot that 870.
I shot a remington 30-06 for years and killed lots of game. Back in 84 when I was young and dumb I had to have a ruger 300 win mag. I carried it for years, I recently sold it and bought a springfield 1903 30-06 which is at the gun smith getting blued and triger job. I think the smaller calibers work just fine.
thats my .02 worth
Different strokes for different folks. Some like sports cars, some like pickups, some like sedans. Some like horse power, some like torque. Some like leather seats, some couldn't care less. Same with firearms. I don't have a problem with mags and ultra mags. What ever floats your boat. I don't need one so will probably never have one. The advertising is a huge factor, as is the competitive nature to want to outdo others.

It is the same with archery equipment. Seems you can't get into archery without $750 to a $1000 or more. Even for traditional, higher end recurves and long bows aren't cheap. Used to one could kill an animal with wood or aluminum arrows, dacron string, and a finger tab or glove. Now you need carbon, fast flight, and a release. In the end it is generally the hunter's skill that makes the difference. There are the odd hunters who luck out, but those who consistently do well have the skill to find the animal and make the shot...
Basically it is to sell guns-period. In the case of the UltraMags, it was to come up with a ballistic equivalent to the Weatherby's in a beltless cartridge. One thing is for sure, before buying a .300 Ultra (or larger) shoot one first, the recoil is substantial!
I think it's a matter of hunters looking for an edge. The big guns hit harder and shoot flatter but they kick harder too.
Others have said "shoot one first". Good advice but I think you were making an observation about our obsession with big guns rather than looking at buying one. And no, animals are not getting bigger.
I've seen guys that can shoot a big gun well and some that cannot and others who think they can when they can't.
It all depends on the shooter whether or not big guns are "better".
You're right, dead is dead, but if I have a cross wind shot at a big bull at 400yds and no way to close the distance I WANT A BIG FAST BULLET!
A .243 will kill and elk (under the right conditions) but why would you want to limit yourself to just one gun anyway? Heck, we should own one of everything. Right?

I'm now going to get into my jacked-up truck and go shoot my 50bmg for lunch. And don't make fun of my small thingy! LOL

Shoot whatever you want and don't b!tch at others when they have a different opinion, especially when they kill more stuff!

Love, Zeke
I forgot to mention that I actually do shoot an HSPrecision .338RUM amongst other calibers, and it is one of my favorite guns. The recoil, albeit substantial, is a small price to pay for the performance at any range.

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