Are all poachers bad ?

I think he's a conservationist. He's conserving the deer and elk population around him!
These wolf lovers and animal rights people are sad, very sad. They put more value on trying to find someone that shot a wolf than they would if someone had shot another person.I don't condone it but it's a fact,our society has put more value on animals than human life. We can kill millions of babies through abortion, we're headed towards euthinasia ( however you spell that) and we're headed towards the idea that once a person is old, they are not a producing part of society and are a burden on it so lets not take care of them either. BUT if you kill a wolf illegally you need to rot in prison. For those that have been a part of an abortion, this is not to condemn you, it is our Supreme courts liability as they legalised it. It just breaks my heart to see where we are headed as a country.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-14 AT 01:26PM (MST)[p]Before I read the whole article, I guessed who would be posting the rewards. Of course, I was right again!!!
I guess we'll see if the Washington State guys are more "cop" or more conservation officers. I hope this big investigation is a show!
However, The whole world is headed toward a "police state" mindset including game departments. They are rapidly becoming enforcement department cops. They (some of them) care very little for the wildlife. They just want the "big bust".
I agree, we're headed in the wrong direction but in many ways we've already arrived! Sad, very sad.
You know, Tristate made this same argument awhile back just substituting "deer/elk/sheep" for "wolf". Just about everyone tried to nail his scroat to the wall. It's OK to go easy on, or even celebrate, a wolf poacher but not a deer poacher? What's the difference other than our own bias? A poacher is a poacher, right?
Aside from the fact that we spent 100yrs doing everything we could to eliminate wolves awhile back, I guess I agree.
>It's OK to go easy
>on, or even celebrate, a
>wolf poacher but not a
>deer poacher? What's the difference
>other than our own bias?
>A poacher is a poacher,

Yes FW, a poacher is a poacher.
Herein lies the difference; wolves are not endangered. Period. In thier omniscience the USFWS decided they needed to be place on the "list". Through lies and devious means the wolf lovers got a few place in the "park". We were to have xx breeding pairs but that wasn't good enough. Through lies, corruption, courts, job justification and flawed studies, we now have wolves well in excess of the agreed upon number, their range is ever expanding and they're doing damage to the herds of ungulates where ever they establish.
Many people worked hard to cultivate the huntable wildlife numbers which we've all enjoyed and now through decisions from those who have never seen the "west" we have Federal control in most areas again.
It would seem it's a classic case of some folks are tired of being subjected by far off forces.
Two wrongs don't make a right but.......
One more thought;
These translocated wolves ARE the poachers which have been brought upon us by outside forces.
Some dude ridded us of another poacher.
There's my bias.
Please chew on that for a minute.
Amen Zeke, amen!


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-14 AT 05:19PM (MST)[p]So poaching a wolf doesn't make one a poacher? How so? zeke, weak arguement defending poachers there. Doesn't matter the critter, poaching is poaching, PERIOD. Fire away poachers. mtmuley
Well a spade is a spade. There are a lot of guys who say they would shoot a wolf but would chicken out for fear of being caught. There are a lot of guys that would shoot. There are also a few guys that would act altruistic on MM to look like they are superior. Then there are those that always do follow the law.
My point was just to see what people thought.
It is illegal to shoot a wolf in most states. But when are the folks that think they should tell us we need them everywhere going to be stopped. Remember Bruce Babbitt ?
>AT 05:19?PM (MST)

>So poaching a wolf doesn't make
>one a poacher? How so?
>zeke, weak arguement defending poachers
>there. Doesn't matter the critter,
>poaching is poaching, PERIOD. Fire
>away poachers. mtmuley

Fire away? At what? Weak argument? I didn't know we were even arguing. I was just adding MY opinion. What's your again?
I agree that a poacher is a poacher, just like a criminal is a criminal. There are degrees of severity and some more socially acceptable, no?
I, for one, would not poach a wolf. The penalty is too harsh and I have my own moral compass. I do speed on the freeway which has far great potential to harm.
That doesn't mean I'm a bad guy or that I'm sad because a wolf got shot.
Carry on,
when laws are wrong. its wrong to obey them,,,, if anything, history has taught us that!!!!

You Speed too?

I've been Hung here on MM for that!

Some on here claim it's worse than Poaching!

>>LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-14
>>AT 05:19?PM (MST)

>>So poaching a wolf doesn't make
>>one a poacher? How so?
>>zeke, weak arguement defending poachers
>>there. Doesn't matter the critter,
>>poaching is poaching, PERIOD. Fire
>>away poachers. mtmuley
>Fire away? At what? Weak argument?
>I didn't know we were
>even arguing. I was just
>adding MY opinion. What's your
>I agree that a poacher is
>a poacher, just like a
>criminal is a criminal. There
>are degrees of severity and
>some more socially acceptable, no?
>I, for one, would not poach
>a wolf. The penalty is
>too harsh and I have
>my own moral compass. I
>do speed on the freeway
>which has far great potential
>to harm.
>That doesn't mean I'm a bad
>guy or that I'm sad
>because a wolf got shot.
>Carry on,

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-14 AT 09:41PM (MST)[p]Bess,
Notice I didn't say HOW fast I drive but simply disclosed that I was a law-breaker. I have to break the law just to stay up with traffic. The older I get, the tougher it becomes! Ha
"He without sin cast the first stone" (paraphrased)
Ever notice, Bess, how some guys are perfect? Funny huh? I'll bet they never speed either.

Like my MM friend Treedagain says, "how to start an argument, express an opinion, wait"

Yes Zeke!

I have noticed the PERFECTNESS!:D

>AT 09:41?PM (MST)

>Notice I didn't say HOW fast
>I drive but simply disclosed
>that I was a law-breaker.
>I have to break the
>law just to stay up
>with traffic. The older I
>get, the tougher it becomes!
>"He without sin cast the first
>stone" (paraphrased)
>Ever notice, Bess, how some guys
>are perfect? Funny huh? I'll
>bet they never speed either.
>Like my MM friend Treedagain says,
>"how to start an argument,
>express an opinion, wait"

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Is someone who kills a wolf illegally a poacher? Absolutely, there can be no debate. But that was not the question. "Are all poachers bad" was the question. That is a whole other discussion

As a nonresident hunter, would I ever illegally kill a wolf? Absolutely not. If I were a rancher in wolf country would I? Or if I see someone else illegally shoot a wolf would I report it? That is a whole other discussion!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
My land my sheep/cows yes I would kill the wolf before he did any damage to my livelihood. My rights to making a living would trump his.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
DW, I'm not leary of everyone. Just poachers. Zeke, I've said it before. I'm not happy wolves are in my state. I won't poach one either. As said, the penalties are stiff, and it won't to any good anyway. It's just fun watching guys try to justify breaking the law. Most of them will never even see a wolf anyway. mtmuley
Are all poachers bad? No.

Are all murderers bad? Also no. IMO

Remember awhile back in Texas ,I believe, when the father caught a scumbag sexually assaulting his child? Dead scumbag. Dad walked.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
>Always seems like the ones leary
>of everyone else are the
>ones to keep an eye

That statement is true of life and business in general!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-14 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]Like just about everyone else on here, I don't want wolves either, at all, no question about it. At the same time, law is law.

3 years ago I had this very opportunity in Wyoming just 1 week before the predator zone opened for legal killing of wolves. I had a giant black wolf at 25 yards for quite some time. This was miles into the backcountry and deep in the timber where no one could see and no one would ever know. Just me, the wolf, and my conscience. I hope someone shot it legally the following week. I'll never know, but I know it was the right decsion.
If 2morrow they classified them as no different than the coyote, we would have wolves till the end of time. They make the coyote look like the slow kid!
Forks, I think you made the right decision, because your moral compass is in line with whats right. Replace the wolf with a monster buck, and without a tag, you would still make the same choice. Others living by a different compass, would/have made different choices.



>Is someone who kills a wolf
>illegally a poacher? Absolutely,
>there can be no debate.
> But that was not
>the question. "Are all
>poachers bad" was the question.
> That is a whole
>other discussion
>As a nonresident hunter, would I
>ever illegally kill a wolf?
> Absolutely not. If
>I were a rancher in
>wolf country would I? Or
>if I see someone else
>illegally shoot a wolf would
>I report it? That is
>a whole other discussion!
>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>I am)

If you were that same rancher in elk and deer country and the elk and deer were eating your winter hay supply would you feel it was fine to shoot all the elk and deer?
I continue to go back to the fact that we spent 100yrs doing everything we could to eliminate them. We didn't do this out of boredom or lack of other things to do. We've also spent blood and treasure to rebuild, and in some cases bring back from the brink, our ungulate herds. Why are we pissin on the lives of the men and women that did all that? Just sayin
So DW, do you let a wounded 4pt elk have a pass, but not a wolf? Honest question, truly not as facetious as it sounds.

By the way great thread on the elk, very though provoking, as has this thread been.
In my gut, if I didn't fear the consequences of my actions (legally) I'd shoot them both. The law allows me to do neither, though I think I should do both. Just who I am and where I come from. I don't begrudge others if they would adamantly do the exact opposite. That's what makes these discussions interesting to me. Doubt we'll ever change a mind, but it's interesting to see how others think. Have u lived with em forkswest? (Just in the interest of my above comments)
Nope, haven't lived in wolf county, unless you count the 3-7 day stints a couple times every year during the hunts. For every reason our fore fathers didn't want them, I don't want the either. For the rancher who could watch his livelyhood, literally, gobbled up, that's a tough call. If there is anything in my path that could negatively impact my chosen career, I do what I can, within the law, to elimiate it. I guess I would expect the rancher to do the same. I don't know how you could be expected to stand by an watch your $3000 pregnant hefer go down.
I lived in the ne corner of Minnesota for a couple yrs (u want a tough hunt try killin a good buck in that country). Whenever I wanted I could go out in the evening and hear them howl, but I never saw 1! They are incredibly elusive. That sighting u had forks, is not the norm. Was yer hunt guided forks? Guide give u any instruction in the event of a wolf sighting?
We had a guy shoot 2 big wolves here recently. He took the alpha male then when the pack stood up he shot a second one. Both legal and that is cool. If I saw a wolf I would want to shoot it. I haven't had to think about it and that is why I posted this thread. I haven't met many Idahoans who said they would not shoot one.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-14 AT 05:45PM (MST)[p]>>Is someone who kills a wolf
>>illegally a poacher? Absolutely,
>>there can be no debate.
>> But that was not
>>the question. "Are all
>>poachers bad" was the question.
>> That is a whole
>>other discussion
>>As a nonresident hunter, would I
>>ever illegally kill a wolf?
>> Absolutely not. If
>>I were a rancher in
>>wolf country would I? Or
>>if I see someone else
>>illegally shoot a wolf would
>>I report it? That is
>>a whole other discussion!
>>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>>I am)
>If you were that same rancher
>in elk and deer country
>and the elk and deer
>were eating your winter hay
>supply would you feel it
>was fine to shoot all
>the elk and deer?

No, because you CAN build a fence to keep deer and elk out. The same can't be said about wolves. And deer and elk are part of most ranchers income, so they deserve to get some of the hay.

Now if the deer starting eating my cows.......


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Nope, don't believe all poachers are bad. The predator issue, especially the wolf, evokes strong emotions on both sides and those emotions can cause folks to do things they normally wouldn't; but it's still wrong to break the law and poaching ANY protected animal does no one any good. The SSS mentality taken by some hunters does as much if not more harm than what the animals do to game animals.

As to this particular case, I can't say one way or the other as I don't know WHO killed the critter or WHY. With what I have learned of some eco elite 'conservation' groups (animal rights groups), I wouldn't put it past one of them to do something like this, knowing full well it does nothing but cast a bad light on hunters/hunting in general.
>when laws are wrong. its wrong
>to obey them,,,,
>if anything, history has taught
>us that!!!!


Who makes that decision? YES ALL POACHERS ARE BAD. How did this one clown killing this ONE wolf help anything? Did it help our side make the argument that we aren't going to eradicate the wolf if there are hunts for them? Did it stop the San Francisco crowd from making the wolf into the "point man" to achieve what they really want, the ceasing of ALL HUNTING? What GOOD THING did this poacher do? Yeah it sounds great, "KILL THEM ALL", but here in the REAL WORLD, that isn't going to happen. In the REAL WORLD we sportsman need to figure out a way that allows us to control the population so that it doesn't overun the prey animals we love to hunt. How do we ACHIEVE this, in THE REAL WORLD, if we celebrate illegal and just DUMBAZZ behavior? The wolf is going nowhere. That genie is out of the bottle. The ammount of energy and time spent trying to stuff it back in is just as stupid as the clowns putting up $20k for a reward. Neither of those two groups are going to get what they want. POACHING IS BAD. We as sportsman need to come together and DEMAND MUCH TOUGHER penalties for poachers than we currently have, REGARDLESS of what the species is.

NO elkun, here in the greatest country to ever grace this planet, WHEN A LAW IS WRONG, you get it changed. I seriously worry about the future of this sport when we can't recognize those in our ranks that are poaching pieces of crap. WE all recognize that there are livestock predator interactions where predators need to be put down, and we all recognize that is NOT poaching. Poachers are no better than thieves. They are the lazy, useless subculture that hides itself in the sportsman population. WE CANNOT STAND FOR ANY OF THEM. We as sportsman must have a ZERO tolerance for poachers. Don't be a hypocrit. Guys who will kill a collared wolf illegally, will have zero fear of shooting a buck in the back country where no one is watching. No problem shooting bulls in the timber where they won't be found. POACHING SHOULD BE A FELONY, with MANDATORY prison sentences, wolf, deer, elk, moose, makes no difference.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>I continue to go back to
>the fact that we spent
>100yrs doing everything we could
>to eliminate them. We didn't
>do this out of boredom
>or lack of other things
>to do. We've also spent
>blood and treasure to rebuild,
>and in some cases bring
>back from the brink, our
>ungulate herds. Why are we
>pissin on the lives of
>the men and women that
>did all that? Just sayin
We have to be honest. Not story tellers. Our ancestors tried to eradicate the wolf. TRUE. Those same ancestors nearly eradicated the elk. They nearly eradicated the bison. They tried their hardest to market hunt waterfowl into extinction. They tried to eradicate grizzlies. They ran the bald eagle to the brink. Lets be honest, and I come from a sheep ranching family. If we let the livestock men go unchecked they would have eradicated the elk, deer, sheep, moose, antelope. Here in the west, wars were fought over rangeland. Men were killed fighting for grazing areas. Those ancestors of ours that eradicated the wolf also didn't want the competion of grazing of any of the wildlife. It wasn't until there was a economic value in sport hunting that this concept changed. Doesn't mean you have to like wolves, just means that you have to know history. My ancestors killed wolves because they ate sheep. If wolves only ate elk, they wouldn't have cared, and would have in fact supported their population. Using what happened 150 years ago, doesnt support what happens today.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I have to say this has been one very amusing thread. It is interesting to see what people substitute for logic along with their inability to put their finger on the root of the problem.

The system is broken guys. Yall don't know how to describe it but you can feel it all around you. That is why we are having discussions like this one now.

Here is the part none of yall will like. The next generation of "hunters" will most likely all be poachers.
The eradication of the wolf was deliberate. History does and will repeat itself. Hopefully we'll get to know how they speak of us and our decisions 150yrs from now in the here after.
Being from Idaho and having many friends who hunt, every one of them say they would shoot one if given the chance. good or bad, that's just the fact of whats said.

How many people would turn in another hunter for shooting a wolf out of season. If i'm honest on not caring what people here say I would not turn them in.
Yea I would, I just said if I was being truthful with myself on a wolf I would walk away, sorry and I see why people are saying its the same, i just think in the situation I would leave.

How about all the a holes chasing deer/elk with 4 wheelers for sheds too early, why does no one turn them in?
hossblur and mtuley. get a set of bxxxx for once . ill bet as kids you were allways telling on someone, and getting a pat on the head,, (getting the law changed , how many times do we have to do that, how many times have we done that on wolfes,,,,,??? youll get no pats on the head here from people here that have been in the wolf fight from the first!!!!
elkun learn how to spell and punctuate before you attack me. As far as the wolf "fight", you don't even know what it's about. mtmuley
>elkun learn how to spell and
>punctuate before you attack me.
>As far as the wolf
>"fight", you don't even know
>what it's about. mtmuley

Elkun, because I have kids I can translate GAWD AWFUL english. How many wolves have you shot? How many have you killed? How many?? Come on, you have balls, they ain't that hard to find why aren't you up in Idaho(Utah doesn't have wolves:) )in a chopper mowing the bastards down?? Damn straight, you poach something I am squealing every time. The idea that YOU get to choose what game laws(or lack of in this case) you follow and what ones YOU ignore doesn't make you a man, makes you an idiot. So go ahead, MAN UP, shoot ducks before light, drive your ATV into the wilderness areas, throw that Natty Light can out the window of you Powerstroke. Show everyone what a MAN you are!! The rest of the adults, have figured it out. We DON'T NEED you and your help. We need lawyers, and politicians(holding my nose too), and NEITHER will jump in on the side of POACHING SLOBS. WE LOST, wolves are here, we DON'T need to lose again when it comes to us controling them. That one dead collared wolf became a martyr. You can't beat a martyr, it became a "magestic wild creature gunned down by a murdering hunter(notice how we get to be lumped in with poaching POS)", instead of it being just another alpha predator that needs to be kept in check. Like it or not, PR, media, etc, are a huge part of the wolf debate, bad media and PR are just that, BAD! Guys who support poaching a wolf, can't turn and ##### about poaching a deer, elk, or whatever. You glorifying a poacher is as stupid as the wolf lovers glorifying the wolf. Why is poaching a wolf different than poaching a grizzly, or cat? Its ok because the wolf is more efficient and succesful? Because its Canadian? Because its grey? Seriously, where is the logic? WE DON'T SUPPORT POACHING BECAUSE IT STEALS FROM SPORTSMEN, REGARDLESS, or we become the San Francisco crowd that wants to fictionalize and romanticize.
As for the other dumbazz thoughts, YES if someone comes to your house to rape your wife, you kill the bastard. You don't drive down the road killing everyone that MIGHT rape your wife. Before us, there were wolves, and elk. There were boom and bust cycles for both. WE changed the balance. Now WE(at least the San Francisco crowd) are tipping the balance too far. Having SOME wolves will not be the end of the earth, not being able to control them IS!!! Eradication WILL NOT HAPPEN, how about we fight the fight that has a chance, CONTROL.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Guess that's been my point hoss, they can't b controlled, and those that have lived with and hunted them know this. They're not big yotes. The yote rode the short bus while the wolf drove the Bentley he bought with the money he made off the stockmarket. Every swingin dik in the countries flinging lead 24/7/365 at the coyote, yet I hear them every night. Will we ever have that liberty with wolves? Even if we do there will always be too many of them as will b reflected by conflicts. I only hope they NEVER establish themselves here in colorado.
Ok you may love it or hate it but consensus is that poaching a wolf is cheered on by most hunters. Not that it is right, my point is we like our deer and elk a whole lot. This creates a problem when we have too many predators.
I couldn't read everyone's response before chiming in. Too much reading. So here it is:

I know we would all like to believe that whomever killed that wolf is some sort of anti-hero that is protecting deer/elk/etc. But I would wager he was just a poacher. He/She just happened to see a wolf and shoot it rather than a 200" mule deer that day.

I won't condone illegal behavior. My opinion is that this should not be illegal behavior, but as long as it is, I will respect the law.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
>Guess that's been my point hoss,
>they can't b controlled, and
>those that have lived with
>and hunted them know this.
>They're not big yotes. The
>yote rode the short bus
>while the wolf drove the
>Bentley he bought with the
>money he made off the
>stockmarket. Every swingin dik in
>the countries flinging lead 24/7/365
>at the coyote, yet I
>hear them every night. Will
>we ever have that liberty
>with wolves? Even if we
>do there will always be
>too many of them as
>will b reflected by conflicts.
>I only hope they NEVER
>establish themselves here in colorado.

Yeah I know, that is the sad part, they are DAMN efficient. And maybe the only chance we have is when they start munching on cockapoos and labradoodles. I get that. The problem we have is our numbers are dwindling. We keep cutting more and more of ouselves out in the neverending push for "trophy hunting". We don't have near the clout we used to, and neither do our partners in livestock. We have to learn from our opposition. They don't ban all hunting, they start with the trapping, then the lead bullets, then the cats, then the doves. They piece small victory after small victory and start winning wars. We need to do the same. Eradication is not happening. Lets at least get some hunts. Lets at least get to end some wolves. Because how it stands now we don't get that chance near enough, and the bad press that goes with poaching wolves only makes that small victory harder to obtain. I agree with you, I hope they never get a foothold in Utah either(we have a magic forcefield that keeps them out, our DWR says so)but poaching them won't accomplish that.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>>Guess that's been my point hoss,
>>they can't b controlled, and
>>those that have lived with
>>and hunted them know this.
>>They're not big yotes. The
>>yote rode the short bus
>>while the wolf drove the
>>Bentley he bought with the
>>money he made off the
>>stockmarket. Every swingin dik in
>>the countries flinging lead 24/7/365
>>at the coyote, yet I
>>hear them every night. Will
>>we ever have that liberty
>>with wolves? Even if we
>>do there will always be
>>too many of them as
>>will b reflected by conflicts.
>>I only hope they NEVER
>>establish themselves here in colorado.
>Yeah I know, that is the
>sad part, they are DAMN
>efficient. And maybe the
>only chance we have is
>when they start munching on
>cockapoos and labradoodles. I
>get that. The problem
>we have is our numbers
>are dwindling. We keep
>cutting more and more of
>ouselves out in the neverending
>push for "trophy hunting".
>We don't have near the
>clout we used to, and
>neither do our partners in
>livestock. We have to
>learn from our opposition.
>They don't ban all hunting,
>they start with the trapping,
>then the lead bullets, then
>the cats, then the doves.
> They piece small victory
>after small victory and start
>winning wars. We need
>to do the same.
>Eradication is not happening.
>Lets at least get some
>hunts. Lets at least
>get to end some wolves.
> Because how it stands
>now we don't get that
>chance near enough, and the
>bad press that goes with
>poaching wolves only makes that
>small victory harder to obtain.
> I agree with you,
>I hope they never get
>a foothold in Utah either(we
>have a magic forcefield that
>keeps them out, our DWR
>says so)but poaching them won't
>accomplish that.
>"The only thing that stops a
>bad guy with a gun
>is a good guy with
>a gun"

Thanx for the intelligent, respectful response to my comment hoss. Much appreciated. Yep they're good at it all right, we need only look at the decline in moose in the areas they inhabit, 1 of their favorite foods. I agree we need to stick together and fight for small victories and fight against the oppositions proposals. It's an uphill battle against large #'s. I fear the only thing that will level the ground is people start to lose their pets as u mention or heaven forbid, someone gets attacked. Course that hasn't worked with cats in California and they regularly dine on humans. Hope wyoming gets it figured out and keeps em from migratin south! For both our sake!
hossblur and mtmuley. chill cupcakes, I am sure peta will give you your pats on the head....
>hossblur and mtmuley. chill
> cupcakes, I am
>sure peta will give you
>your pats on the head....

Oh I am sure they won't use the rotting corpse of that wolf in pics and commericials that show us as murderous killers of this magestic creature. Keep helping the cause elk. Glad their are some adults in the room, I thought maybe it was full of your kind of genius!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
of coarse not all "poachers" are bad. Because sadly so many harmless acts constitute "poaching" these days.In this case its pretty staightforward. Yes, he is a poacher.

I cringe when people like hossblur make hypocritical statements about poachers. "POS", "YES all poachers are bad" failing even to realize he is among them...
>of coarse not all "poachers" are
>bad. Because sadly so many
>harmless acts constitute "poaching" these
>days.In this case its pretty
>staightforward. Yes, he is a
> I cringe when people like
>hossblur make hypocritical statements about
>poachers. "POS", "YES all poachers
>are bad" failing even to
>realize he is among them...
Not sure if your insinuating something, perhaps I misunderstand. Lets be deliberate. If you intentionally go out and kill something that is out of season or protected you are of no value to sportsmen. Your a worse than a black eye, your brain cancer to the sport. If you want to play games about accidentally missing your buck and hitting a doe, or being a rancher protecting a herd than good job trying to be clever, but lets be serious, thats not what this is about.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
what I am saying Hossblur is; you are a poacher and so am I. Poaching is not limited to out of season or no license. Conservation law has become so overgrown that all kinds of ordinary, nonharmful acts constitute poaching these days.I do agree with you that real poaching requires that the state incur the loss of an animal. But that is not true with most poaching. So when you rail on poachers please dont forget that you are one.
Trammer sounds like he is trying to make himself feel better about his recent poaching conviction ! What was charge? Wanton destruction if wildlife? Im sure you can justify it some how can't you Trammer?
Two ways to insert a thought.......
1. My aunt was teaching my cousins and told them the importance of staying out of trouble.......she added that if you do decide to step over the line just don't get caught!
2. I mentioned over a beer to a game warden one night that there seemed to be too many protected redtailed hawks and therefore few rabbits. He said that if a tree in the woods falls and no one is around it was caused by nature!
Lay low and keep your mouth shut mr wolf poacher!
we're just getting wolves down here in S, Oregon, i think we got six, n they're already talking about a hunt for wolves, i heard on the radio that there is a petition stating that those who support the reintroduction of wolves should be taxed a fee for when not if; a wolf kills livestock in order to pay the livestock owner......
MuleyCreek, I have a policy not to respond to posts made by cowards such as yourself (those who have disabled their profile) too bad because I would love to respond to yours.

Grand Slam #911
"Are all poachers bad?"

No. Some are, some are not. I suppose that is case by case, dependent on motives and needs. It is a pretty subjective call. Where most of us are tempted to break the law is when our personal ethics are contrary to the law. My ethics would indicate that It would be the right thing to do to kill a wolf if I saw it, or the emaciated sick doe I saw one year, or the turkey vulture with the broken wing. The laws restricted such action on my part.

I used to be tempted every now and then, but after starting to raise kids (and now there are grandkids), I decided I needed to teach them by example. Its why I quit speeding. I can't tell my kids not to do something I am doing, if I want a chance of them listening. Its something I dare not start into anyway. A society with unrestrained law breaking becomes a lawless society.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-15 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]Mmwb, your last paragraph is well said. Some don't understand that. And if not posting your personal info on the world wide web is cowardly then ignorance is trammer. I would rather be a coward than have no integrity. Some will never know/have integrity and it goes back to how they were raised.

It's a slippery slope when people start picking which law they will, or will not obey. There are many laws I don't agree with but they still apply no matter my feelings. If you don't like it then put your time and energy towards getting it changed.

"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it."
Depends on your definition of poaching.

I will turn in any poacher at my first opportunity. I will buy a wolf shooter a drink at the first bar. I don't see a connection.

Stay thirsty my friends
>MuleyCreek, I have a policy not
>to respond to posts made
>by cowards such as yourself
>(those who have disabled their
>profile) too bad because I
>would love to respond to

I Really dont need to hear your response trammer. The only coward I see here is the poacher! Its to bad our justice system allows Plea bargains. Id like to see them "make an example" of poachers! Just to put the point across.
The population is thick enough around here that it is a detriment to other game, so I wouldn't have any compunctions about shooting a wolf. I won't do it, until legal to do so.
So dude?

You look at Poaching just like you do Politics!


>Depends on your definition of poaching.
>I will turn in any poacher
>at my first opportunity. I
>will buy a wolf shooter
>a drink at the first
>bar. I don't see a
>Stay thirsty my friends

[font color="red
Bobcat I said I am against poaching, and I'm for killing wolves.

If you don't like it finish your hummus put your Birkenstocks on jump in your Subaru and leave.

Stay thirsty my friends
That makes you a POACHER doesn't it 440?

You ever turned yourself in dude?

>Bobcat I said I am against
>poaching, and I'm for killing
>If you don't like it finish
>your hummus put your Birkenstocks
>on jump in your Subaru
>and leave.
>Stay thirsty my friends

[font color="red
Although this is probably too deep for what was intended, the underlying question in the post is "Is it ever right to break the law".

It is an interesting question, because if the answer is no, then our founding fathers and the anti-Nazis were wrong. In general, my personal opinion is that we still live in the greatest country in the world and things have not yet gotten to the point that breaking the law is justified. However, I must say that the direction we are headed, in many instances, makes me wonder if we eventually won't get to the point that obeying the law will be detrimental to our freedom.
+1 Wildman. Even if you have to pay the consequences, sometimes breaking the law is the right thing to do. Our history is full of examples.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Our president certainly does not see this as a conundrum!Circumstances sometimes makes it difficult to do the right thing and stay within the bounds of the law!The problem is who gets to be the decider between who is right and who is wrong.

"Our president certainly does not see this as a conundrum!Circumstances sometimes makes it difficult to do the right thing and stay within the bounds of the law!The problem is who gets to be the decider between who is right and who is wrong. "

That is true. The founding father's solution was to limit the number of laws so that the conundrum wasn't a part of every little detail of our lives. It was called freedom. Establish enough laws to protect our basic rights and leave the rest of it up to the individual. The problem is that too many people want their opinions to be law instead of realizing it's just their opinion and other have a right to a different one.
I think we are on the same page. Our positions are driven more by where we stand instead of what we stand for. I try to leave politics out when visiting with fellow sportsmen on these pages but can't help but detest where our president is trying to take this country!
>MuleyCreek, I have a policy not
>to respond to posts made
>by cowards such as yourself
>(those who have disabled their
>profile) too bad because I
>would love to respond to
>Grand Slam #911

I find this funny and honestly hypocritical trammer
I think poachers are bad - but I also agree that those that want wolves to control our wildlife really would like to eliminate hunting. Just think if they were to get there way, we would lose billions of dollars in revenue for the economy and only gain a bunch of wolves that still need to be controlled. Who is going to do that? I know I am getting somewhat away from the subject but we as a society want to pick and choose who and what we kill - kill babies through abortion and protect wolves - doesn't make sense to me.

You said, " I know I am getting somewhat away from the subject but we as a society want to pick and choose who and what we kill - kill babies through abortion and protect wolves - doesn't make sense to me."

That is a very, very politically incorrect subject, but unfortunately, there isn't any connection between being politically correct and being true. I would say your comment hints of the truth.

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