Arctic Red River Outfitters?


Very Active Member
Anyone ever hunt with them? I'm thinking about a Dall hunt with them. I want to get as much outside info as I can before talking/booking with them.

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LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-12 AT 08:39AM (MST)[p]My son and I hunted with them two years ago. Fantastic experience for us and everyone else in our group. We both killed very nice Dall sheep and as a bonus we both ended up killing record book Caribou. Check out Zeke's post on here earlier this year on Jessica's ram. They were with ARRO as well.

Feel free to PM me for any detailed information.
I hunted there in 1981, 1984 and 2012. The place hasn't changed a bit in the span of 31 years (the mountains are a little taller). You can still drink right out of every creek and spring with no fear of getting sick.

It's not the easiest hunt in the world but it IS do-able for almost anyone and you'll see some great sheep and possibly some great caribou too.

We saw sheep, caribou, grizzly, wolverine, wolves in 11 days of backpacking. It's still one of the best high-adventure trips in the world!

I would say that way more than a dozen of my friends have hunted with them.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-12 AT 03:59PM (MST)[p]I was fortunate to hunt with ARRO in 2003 and had an amazing experience. Hiked a million miles and killed a good ram on my 9th day.

I had shopped around for a little while and followed many of the dall outfits before I decided on them. I can not say enough good about them and their sheep area. If I could afford to go again, I would do it in a heartbeat, and would absolutely go with ARRO again.

When I was there, it was Kelly Hougen, and now Tavis Molnar has taken it over from Kelly after guiding for him for many years. I'm sure Tavis has continued Kelly's excellent operation.

I know there are other good dall outfitters, but I'm sure there are 20 people on here that will agree with my recommendation.

Feel free to PM me and I can give you my phone # if you want to talk about it
Just curious, if you guys don't mind, what did your total trip cost? I've got to sale this one to my wife! :) If you don't want to post it here PM me.
Did you guys have friends that went with you? I wanna experience this with a friend or my Dad...Problem is neither of them have the money to do this with me.
I plan on calling ARRO this week to get more from them.

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They are top notch and shoot a big bull caribou in the velvet as well. They are on the higher end price wise but you get what you pay for. All sheep hunting is expensive. Plan on 20k+ with all your expenses included.

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