Archery Season


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-14 AT 05:05PM (MST)[p]I found out today,archery season runs thru the month of September in unit 7 elk. Then season closes until October 15th.Then rifle season starts.I was planning on hunting with my bow in September and the first part of October and then if tag is not filled turn to my rifle on the 15th.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-14 AT 05:02PM (MST)[p]>Come on man. You've been looking
>at unit 7 for months.

that is true and I still plan on hunting unit 7 but I was told I could archery hunt and then if not successful continue hunting in rifle season but I did not know I could not archery hunt in the first couple weeks of October. I thought I could archery hunt up till rifle season.
Coming from Michigan ,that is the way it is here and just thought it would be the same in Wyoming.
Thought wrong.
No problem,just a little surprise.
Better get it done in archery if you don't have private land to hunt. Everything changes in rifle season...

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