Archery Opener - Bring on the Heat


Very Active Member
Well as typical for our A zone opener which starts on Saturday (July 10th), temperatures are forecasted to be 110. My son and I have our eye on a big tall fork, probably only goes 17" wide but is tall, good mass and the deer is old. He's got a very impressive frame for a forky.
These deer could go to water mid day or in the morning but where we are hunting spot and stalk is our strategy. Have fun boys and wear plenty of sunscreen (unscented of course).

Just passing time hoping to get my 13 year old his first buck with a bow....Nevada and Idaho where the real excitement begins in Sept.

Why can't the game and fish dept give us an OTC late season rut hunt with our bow like Oregon has? Think about all the revenue that would bring in for them and realistically how many deer will get killed, not many. To think you are actually even managing a deer hunt zone like A and all of his geographical area is a joke anyways. I love hunting in 110 degree heat haha but something in late October would be a lot more enjoyable.
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Good luck and hope you get the big one you've been watching.

California seems to be more about managing the hunters than the animals. Ask a biologist or warden about specifics on areas and get referred to a 20 year old hunt data sheet.

Talk to (or email biologists) in NV and get turn by turn directions of the top 3 places they would go.
Good luck to everyone on the opener. Not sure if my buddy and I will make it out but we are trying to go check some cameras and maybe run into a buck.
You can hunt the rut with your bow with as few as 1-2 preference points in Monterey county Azone. It still sucks, azone will always suck. But god damn I’m still addicted to it.
I have hunted A zone the last three years and been successful each year, but this heat is enough to keep me home! good luck to you guys out there, I'm guessing they'll be hitting the water early today!

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