archery hunt


Very Active Member
Last weekend moved our stands and blinds to another canyon. We had people move into the area we had set up in and didn't want the competition. Alot of work later and some this weekend and we will be set up for our OTC elk hunt, Whew!.... Yesterday at 230 I get a call on my cell, Its the DWR and they tell me my son and myself are alternates for 2 Book cliff archery tags if we want them. GRRRRRR!! Only a week untill the dang hunt! what would you do?
If you know the country I would say take the tags. If you don't pass on them and draw next year when you are ready.
If you have a ton of points it would be OK to pass on the tags but if you only have a handful of points then TAKE THE TAGS and go have a ball!
You'll have fun either way.

So.... what did you decide to do?

I agree with the above posts. If you have a bunch of points, pass on them. If you have just a few points, TAKE THEM!
Even if you don't know the country take the tags. You can find bulls in dang near every canyon. I drew the tag in 2008 and my brother had the tag in 2010 and the hunts were a blast. The elk herd is huge. You will have plenty of opportunities at good bulls. If its really hot just sit water and wait. Those bulls come running to water about 6pm.

Also, watch out for the bears. They can be troublesome in your camp.

If you don't know the range at all pm me and I'll give you the info that I know. My buddy shot his 370 bull off a pretty easy to walk to water hole last year.

Good Luck.
If you've got the time to hunt hard I would say go for it. Please post pics when you've got one down.

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