Archery Grouse



I'm wondering what people have found for shooting grouse while bowhunting. Do you even bother? If so what type of tip do you use for best recoevery and not damaging meat, field tip, blunt, etc. I put two arrows through one bird yesterday, then tagged it with a big rock and it still got up and flew away. Expensive grouse, especially when you don't even get it!
For ruffed a judopoint or field point will do the trick. The blue/spruce grouse are tough and I would recommend a broadhead. Even at that, they are known to take wing.
Yeah, a spruce was the escape artist yesterday after two field points, and one big rock!
Ive shot alot of Blues with a judo without any problem (70# Recurve) Once you nail em, instantly chase em down so they dont get lost in the brush. The easiest way to put the little Franklins in the skillet is with a stout 10 ft stick after they perch. Saves alot of arrows.
judo point right in the base of the neck no matter the grouse they are dead, killed many this way.
Oneshot, you beat me too it! Thats what I do, judo to the base of the neck, they are done. I kept me and mattb in ptarmigan for several days doing that. Works great, and no bird lives through it if you hit them. going for body shots is higher hit rate, but easier to loose them.


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
Yup, that works for me and the crew too. :)


BOHNTR )))---------->

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