Archery Elk In Utahs extnded archery areas


Jake (Guest)

Hey does anyone out there know where I can find some elk in the san pete valley extended archery area?
Maybe this will help.

Sanpete Valley Extended Archery Area
(Elk) (November 15 ? December 31)
(Auxiliary permit required)
Sanpete County ? Boundary begins at Fountain Green and the West
Valley Road; south on this road to Radio Station Lane Road; east on
this road to Manti and the Manti Canyon Road; east on the Manti
Canyon Road to the U. S. Forest Service boundary; north along this
boundary to Pleasant Creek; west along this creek to US-89; north on
US-89 to the Big Hollow Road near Indianola; southwest on this road to
Fountain Green. USGS 1:100,000 Maps: Provo and Manti. Boundary
questions? Call DWR Springville office, (801) 491-5678.
Good luck!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't waste my time hunting this area. Just about all of it is private and most of it is posted. Their are a couple of guys from this area who contacted the landowners and locked it all up "actually bought chains, and locks and locked up all the gates, even some gates that were on through roads that have been there for years". If you have enough money they proabably would give you permission to hunt "around 2500$. They are feeding the elk and have successfully drawn all the elk into their area. If you go out Pigeon Hollow road by spring city you can glass this the area were they are feeding them. I personally have seen as many as 100 cows and over thirty bulls in this area. This hunt was set up to keep the elk off the highway and to provide opportunity for people to hunt big bulls. It has been the policy of the DWR to not feed!!! the elk but it looks like their hands are tied on this. It saddens me that that this hunt has turned out like this. I know of a couple of young hunters that say they are not going to hunt any more because of the way this hunt turned out. Our youth is our future we should provide them with oportunity not lock them out. P.S. there are some BLM grounds in this area I havn't seen any elk on these areas but you never know.
I am REALLY SICK of all the locals and non-locals whining about the situation with the extended Archery Elk Hunt. All the locals want to just run all over the private property and go anywhere they want to go chasing elk through fences and trashing the local farms. The local hunters are causing worse property damage than the elk. People are just jerks.......

Where were all you locals when the last 10 years or so, the property owners were dealing with animal damage and lost feed? You could not have cared less when the property owners were carrying the financial burden of the elk wintering in the valley, Could You?? But now THEY have a chance for these same elk to help pay for part of the cost incurred by having them on their property for the entire year and YOU are whining because they don't just swing the gate open to anoyone with a tag. The garbage, damage, gates left open, ruts in the road etc,mean nothing to you because you don't have the first clue what it is like to own property there. If you had been involved with the people who own this ground before it was all about YOU getting an elk, you would be hunting there too. The regulation changes and you assume these good people who depend on this propoerty to provide for their families should now just give it to you for a public game reserve. I AM GLAD TO SEE THE LANDOWNERS GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!

There is no shortage of public ground in the unit boundaries, so SHUT UP and go hunting if that is what you really want to do. If you just want to whine and complain about people doing exactly what you would do if you owned some ground THEN TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE. I AM SICK OF IT. Pay their property taxes and fix their fences for a few years and then come back on here and tell everyone how unfair the world is......
I think everyone is just sick and tired of hearing property owners cry about how the deer and elk are eating all their crops and then when they are approached about access (even walk-in) they say, "Hell no!"
You can't have your cake and eat it too! Either live with the animals or allow people to remove them.

I made some monster ruts it the asphalt last weekend and as far as gates their all locked up and posted, the trash sounds like you could pick up your own paying customers trash. The reason Im saying this is because the Valley is posted from the highway up and their is no way on to your property, and I only seen trash along the highway, and I know you don't own that!!!

Keep in mind that this program works! But the way your handling it your property will continue being damaged and the Elk herds will get bigger, and eventually you will get so sick and tired of wildlife destroying your property that you can sell all your damaged property to ME! I would LOVE to pay the taxes and enjoy the wildlife that was here before YOU.

And last of all if you are so sick of it, then don't read these message boards, and get so worked up!!!
In reply to You are the JOKE. Wow you need to take a valium. You ask where were all the locals during the last 10 years , well I know of several meetings that the locals had to try and manage the elk were you their, doesn't sound like it. Their was a commitee made up of several locals who spent countless hours of their own time working on a solution. I personally know of several fences that dedicated hunters built in this area. I'm tired of the some of the landowners whining about the elk. It amazes me they want the elk gone but yet they allowed the elk to be fed on their property, I'll bet you more elk will be their next year. Heke of a good idea to get rid of the elk. Property tax, heard of the green belt, most of this land is on it, I wish I could put my house on it. Every time they drive on the highway they are using my tax dollars to do it, every time they take an animal to the market it is the average joe who buys it, when their kids go to school again tax dollars. Come on get real. Twenty Five hundred bucks to hunt is rediculous, most tresspass fees are around a hundred bucks or so. If 10 hunter were allowed to hunt thia area thats 25,000 bucks I hope the land owners get all of this money, they will need it to feed all the elk and build fences next year since they are partially responsible for the elk remaining in the area. Maybe we can have another Hardware ranch. I have talked to several locals and non locals who gladly would of paid a tresspass fee that was reasonable none of them had a problem with it they all believed the land owner should be compensated. You say their is a ton of public land in this area, NOT!!!!! Guess what I'm a land owner and you were way out of line in your comment's.
Hey Jake,
Next year try the West Desert extended area. My Father-In-law and I hunted this region 4 times and seen elk every time. The competition is fierce. Here is what worked for us. We would glass at first light and see where the bulls would go. Then we would go to where we had seen them go and simply follow their tracks. The tracking is farly easy as the area we were in is very sandy. There is no rush like seeing a big bull stand up 25-50 yards away. The hardest part is to find a clear shooting lane. Unfortunately we were not able to harvest one of these beautiful animals.
There were a few landowners charging fees to hunt on their land, but the majority of the landowners I talked with just wanted the elk off their land. I was able to obtain permission from several landowners. It does'nt hurt to ask.
Good luck on next years hunt.

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