archery desert sheep


Very Active Member
Anyone ever successfully done it? If so, I'd love to hear about your experience. Luckily, it's my turn this year and I am going to try to get it done with a bow.
Congrats on drawing the tag!! You'll be the first to ever take a ram from there. Not much is known about that unit but I know a few guy's who do..

As far as archery goes that's a tall order. Stalking animals in a desert enviroment is like walking on potato chips. It can be done but I wouldn't risk a OIL tag w/ archery gear. Especially in the desert.

Congrats and good luck

Gun control is a good aim and a steady rest
I've had 2 friends successfully hunt desert sheep in Ut with a bow. I wasn't with them when they scored. Both had a bunch of time invested. More hunting = more fun.
Good luck and congrats on the tag.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-11 AT 11:13AM (MST)[p]Yeah, I know it will be tough, but it's a long season. I don't want to eat the tag, but my plan is to leave the gun at home for the first half of the season, at least. I don't look at it as "risk", I look at is as "opportunity."
BigPig! Congrats on the draw! If I ever draw I'm going at it with a bow as well. My friend hunted archery sheep last year an shot a HUGE ram. I think it was top ten? He hunted with San Gorgonio outfitters. I have talked to Terry several times in the past, seems like a great guy, nice as could be. Maybe give him a call? I'm sure he could help
Terry has already been a lot of help. I'm on the Big Game Club Committee for CBH so I got to see your buddy's ram. What a beauty!
That's great you are already talking with him! One of the nicest guys I have met. Yeah, he shot a toad of a ram last year. You gonna make it a repeat?
Like I said it's not impossible. Some areas are more conducive for archery than others for sheep hunting. I'm sure you're aware that Tim and Cliff w/ Dry Creek Outfitters are a first rate operation to consider talking to. Heck they killed the biggest ram last year for the 2010-2011 season in the Orocopia's of all places. The Orocopia's didn't even make the top five list in the Huntin' Fool.

Hey southwestern hows Laron doing these days? I haven't heard from him since the last time we went dove hunting in AZ several years ago.

Gun control is a good aim and a steady rest
Big pig! No need to settle! Go big or go home. It's a once in a lifetime tag. I would listen to what Terry has to say and get the biggest there is! I hear he's half sheep. You got the tag... do what it takes, and do it with a smile on your face!

Haven't heard from him in a little while. Busy with work I'm guessing. Great guy though. Awesome with a bow!

I don't know about the Orocopia's not being great though... That is where I put in for an some of the biggest Rams taken in the state were out of there. There was a ram taken last year with a 92 inch horn! One horn! That's a BEAST! I saw a picture on San Goronio's Website... worth checking out if you have time.
I was being sarcastic about the Orocopias. I was poking at the fact that it wasn't really mentioned in Huntin' Fool.

Yeah I've seen Terry's website. But I just have to say that I'm a Dry Creek fan.

Last year we (DCO) seen a one horned ram that was a beast also. It wasn't the one Terry's guy killed. This one horned ram was running w/ the 177 ram that was killed that ended up being the largest ram for the 2010-2011 season.

Gun control is a good aim and a steady rest
Hey Nathan,
Congratulations on drawing the Cady's. You will have a great experience! My partner and I along with some of our crew have spent a great deal of time and seen some good rams in your unit. We have pictures of one ram that is exceptional. I'm sure you will do your homework and make the right choices for your once in a lifetime hunt. Sounds like you may DIY but either way, visit us @ Give us a call, we love talkin sheep hunting.
First of all, ANY hunter or person that recommends a hunter, with little or no sheep experience, take on a desert sheep hunt DIY over booking with an experienced outfitter is a complete bafoon. I see this very often. Last year in fact, this very same thing happened in the Marbles. The ram killed made legal by 1/8 of an inch and only on 1 side. The ram was 3 years old! Most people do not understand how to judge sheep. Please understand the value of your tag. It will be the LAST time you will have the chance to hunt sheep in your state.

Secondly, this under-handed attack towards another outfitter shows the real character of this guy. In NO way did iguide try to discredit Terry Anderson. The Dry Creek guys do not operate that way. Trying to "book-up" hunts by trash talking other outfitters is a complete and utter discredit to themselves.

Thirdly, I have seen the pictures of this ram. In no way did iguide mention state record. He mentioned he had a pic of a great ram, thats it.

Creosote, do you know THE REAL story of the cranker White's ram Terry killed? If so please share the story. I know the story, but a few others may be interrested in hearing your take on it.

I am pumped for you man..Like I told you over the phone, I'll be as much help as I can be.. give me some dates and I'll do my best to come help out.
Way to go, bud. You drew a damn desert sheep tag, you dog!! MAKE THE MOST OF IT!

Look, I appreciate the honest and genuine info here, but don't turn my post into a pissing match between guides or, or guided versus DIY! This is my tag and I'll hunt how I want to, and with who I want to, period.
.....and it can be done without the use of a guide.......I've seen it done. Go stick one Nate.....I'll spot for you!

BOHNTR )))---------->
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-11 AT 09:02AM (MST)[p]To the doubters (and other sheep fans) out there...

There were two guys attempting desert rams in CA this year with archery gear. Me, and a friend of mine. My friend Bret Scott just killed an absolute giant of a ram yestrday morning. DIY, unguided. We will all be hearing A LOT more about this ram, especially if the score holds after drying. Bret is a hard core bowhunter and earned his trophy the hard way. Well deserved!

As for me, I have hunted 6 or 7 days so far DIY. I've had an incredible time and have been on lots and lots of sheep. I've been on 5 good stalks so far and been inside of 60 yards each time, just have yet to have a good shot opportunity. There is little cover and the winds have been very unpredictable. I must say, I am very surprized how spooky these sheep are. I just have not yet had everything fall into place yet for a good bow shot.

It is definitely possible to successfully hunt big rams DIY, even with a bow, but I have a pregnant wife at home and a wild man 2yr old son, so my time is not unlimited. Beginning the day after Christmas, I will be picking up with Terry Anderson and crew. I hope his crew will bring the change in good luck that I need.

So far, here are some pics to check out, both taken through a spotting scope... And for those interested in more detail and more pics, you can read the blog on my friend's CA hunting website

I have been inside of 50 yards twice on this ram. He just has not given me the shot. He feeds in an open flat with a herd of smaller sentry rams, and beds in a nearly impossible spot to get to.


Then, my brother and a buddy found this ram a couple weeks ago. I stalked him bedded last week and got to 150 yards and the wind got goofy and he got nervous. I backed out rather than push it. That's it for now, hopefully more to come. I'd really like to get it done with my bow!

Good Deal 'Pig, looks like you're having a great time and getting into some good action. Heard about your bud's ram...that thing will be making waves for sure!

Anyway, best of luck, and please still feel welcome to get in touch if you're interested in what I was talking about in my earlier post

Cheers and zap a Big'un!
I have a longtime childhood friend that killed his NV. Desert Sheep with a bow in the Pancake Range, let me know if you need anything!!

Thanks for the update. I'm sure you'll keep us posted.
Keep up the good work and good luck.
Good luck, nice looking Rams, keep at it one of them will make a mistake. It will happen for you.
Great ram !!!
You really have to give someone extra credit for achieving that goal with a bow. I love to bow hunt, but I do not think I have the guts to try bow only on a once in a lifetime tag. Great job and a beautiful animal.

I have yet to draw my desert tag in Utah but should in the next few years. I plan on hunting with my bow when I do draw. Spent 30 days chasing Rockies in 2008 with archery equip. before finally having to pick up a rifle to fill my tag. That hunt really taught me a lot about the commitment it takes to archery hunt sheep! I was finally successful in taking a Dall with my bow in 2010! Leave the gun at home and stay committed to your bow! As the pictures on this post show, you can be successful if you really want to! Good luck! TJ

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