Archery Antelope


Long Time Member
Archery season has been open for 15 days and I finally got to go out.. I been watching 3 goats that would go 72-80". Wouldn't know exact score unless they were down on the ground. But the first stomper moved to private land. The other 2 were in the middle of the prairie and those big bucks are to smart to stalk in 4 inches of grass. I have kept a good eye on them and they have been feeding and watering next to small little draws where I had plans to sit and wait.

Well the last week we have been getting a lot of rain so the bucks moved a little bit or they moved from other archery hunters.

I spotted this average buck in the middle of the alafla field. I spotted him from a ridge I was on. so I started the stalk and got in a ditch. He was laying down. I got 55 yards away whistled. He was quartering away and shot. arrow went in his back rib and hit some serious vitals and he ran maybe 50-60 yards and fell over. so I turned around and hiked back to the ridge and hiked another 1/2 mile to the truck and drove to edge of the field and drug him back to the truck...

Was a nice cool rainy day. He wasn't pushed and his meat has no scent at all. Got him all cut up already and in the freezer. Then I can give the meat to a friend of mine to make jerky for me.. He makes some darn good jerky and wont give me his recipe.

I like the mountain range in the background



Nice buck! He will make some great jerky, though some of the best steaks ever are antelope.
Thanks!!!. I been enjoying the 45-55 degree weather to. Archery elk opens tomorrow and its pouring rain on the mountain. Should be a good hunt tomorrow for everyone. My late season bull tag doesn't open till December so the clock is still ticking for me
Congrats on the Antelope, I have wanted to try archery hunting for them and think I will give it a try next year if I can get a tag.
Now you can see him a little better... And hopefully jerky later on this week

Well done my MM friend!
They are a blast to hunt in any way but especially with a stick.
Spot & stalk with archery gear, nice work on a solid buck. It must have been killing you to not be able to hunt until 15 days into the season.
>Nice goat! You put a tape
>on him yet?

I haven't. I know he wont score great but I just liked his mass

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