archery antelope suggestions


archery antelope suggestions

Need some opinions. I would like to hunt antelope in 2009. What are your suggestions for states to try? There are a few areas in CO that look like a guy could draw, but I don't know about access. I've read that SD is OTC for archery lope, and access is possible in areas. WY is the antelope mecca I hear, but I have no idea where to try to draw. I am not a trophy only guy, I just love to hunt with the stick and string. If you have suggestions, I would love to hear them. Also, if you are a landowner and would consider a trade for access to whitetail in western OK, let me know. I also have access to tons of turkeys and some great coyote hunting, bass fishing, and doves. Thanks for the help.
RE: archery antelope suggestions

Nevada has great antelope hunting. You should be able to draw a non resident tag somewhat easily also. In my opinion put in for units 31 first and then 11, 12-14, 15, and 32-34-35. Unit 31 had 6 apps and 5 got tags. 3 out of the 5 harvested. The units I have listed have tons of great bucks.

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