Archery 2013



LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-13 AT 12:18PM (MST)[p]Well Archery season is done and now we wait until rifle opener! I work so much I only got out really once to hunt and 15 min in I drew back on a fantastic 24 to 26 inch 4 point Mule deer. 30 yd shot but both my buddy and I noticed the arrow deflect just before impact causing a forward shoulder shot. Tracked all the way to dark, came back early and was hot on the trail until a heavy rainfall took the trail out. I returned every opportunity looking but am bummed as I never found my deer. I feel it survived as the arrow was only half way in the right shoulder. 28 years of hunting this is my first lost animal and man I feel terrible.

Now the good new is my hunting partners scored an awesome huge cali Blacktail opening day and then this past weekend a 25 inch 4x5 we named Porcini after we took pics of him while mushroom hunting mid summer.
The Blacktail has 13 eye guards and amazing mass, the mule has a cool blade dropper. Another buddy had 2 missed chances at big bucks and I passed an easy shot while searching for my buck. These are all public land OTC tags which makes it almost unbelievable. 2 more weeks of fishing clients then I am taking 4 days off for the rifle season opener! Good luck to all

Way to go guys!!! I just did a week on public land in one of the B zones hunting hard and only saw two dink bucks with no shot opportunities. Very disappointed in the deer numbers overall. Not much sign anywhere. Good to see somebody found some.


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California Guides & Outfitters

Western Wildlife Adventures

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