Applying for LE and Buying Points?


Very Active Member
Residents can apply for a limited-entry for deer or elk but not both. You cannot buy a point for deer or elk if you choose to go this way. Why do they not allow you to buy a point for the other? Nonresidents can apply for both. It doesn't make any sense to me? Any thought?
NR's are getting screwed what good does it do you to apply for ALL hunts if every other NR is doing the same thing? It's a money maker.
If you could do both, everybody would. Which would mean your odds of drawing wouldn't be any better, you'd just be paying the DWR more money. It would cost more, and have no benefit. Hunting is already turning into enough of a money game. No need to speed up the process.
I used to live in Utah until a few years ago when I job transferred me to TN. I had been allocating my annual OIL point towards buffalo.
When I moved, I went into the non-resident category and the average points to draw a buffalo roughly doubled. Add in the fewer NR buffalo tags, and my odds went down dramatically.
As a NR, I do buy a bonus point for each OIL tag. But, as pointed out, so does each and every other NR.
In the end, I am looking at another 20 years for buffalo. And NEVER for any sheep. Bonus points are basically donations to Utah, unless on the off chance I get very lucky and get picked for a drawing very early.
>As a resident, I wish I
>could buy bonus points for
>each species every year!

But, if YOU could do that, so would EVERYONE else. Your odds would not be any better than they are right now.
That is the exact situation NRs face.
My odds would improve. As of now I have no points for the other deer/elk unless I switch back in forth every other year. I could build up my points over time.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-14 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]I think your missing the point??? I mean thought process.
I personally feel allowing a hunter to apply for one point for a oil species every three years why they attempt to draw something else is a good idea. So they could put in for a bison tag and moose point the same year but the next year they could not put in for a moose point. It would increase the odds of a person drawing in the future without messing up the system.
Im glad they dont let us apply for all! WHy?? OK, here is an example. Not accurate numbers but probably pretty close.

Lets say there are 100,000 people that apply every year for the hunts. 40,000 for deer and 60,000 for elk. NOW you can apply for both. SO, Now your chances went into the tank because now there are 100,000 applying for deer LE and 100,000 applying for elk LE. So now to draw a tag, you more than double the time to draw a tag.

Pretty simple for me. DONT LET US APPLY FOR BOTH!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-14 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]Exactly, which is why we as nonresidents got screwed.

However, I do like the idea of only being allowed to apply for one hunt, but letting us apply for points for all species.

The reason that would still work to our advantage is that very few people actually draw and switch species. In other words, if it were like it used to be, I would only apply for elk until I drew, then would switch to deer, so until everyone draws, it won't spoil the odds for the other species. Sure there would be a slight dip, but not doubling or tripling our odds.

In fact, I wish they would change it for NR. We would immediately get a boost in odds for elk because many would switch and apply for a deer tag.

If they let us apply for only one tag and multiple points, the government makes the same amount of money, but our odds go back up.

And to double screw us, yes we can apply for all species, but we can only draw one tag! So since deer is first in thd draw, I wouldn't even be in the drawing for elk if I were to draw a deer tag. So what does that make me do? I put in for a Henry's tag every year: the only tag I would give up a shot at an elk for. That screws the odds for guys who really only want to draw a Henry's tag.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I agree with you guys.

On the surface it looks like the NR's get a great deal by being able to apply for all the points when in reality they HAVE to apply for everything just to keep up with everyone else. This is a big screw-job on our NR brothers and adds years to their applicaion time!

Currently 2 of my sons-in-law are NR's and they're in the same boat! Not good for any NR's!

Robiland is right, for sure keep the res applications the way they are or else risk upsetting the damn apple cart and adding YEARS to the tag process.

Zeke but I don't agree with you on this, your son in laws can do what I plan on doing with grad school. Move out of Utah apply as a non resident and build some points. Move back to Utah and have extra points. That is the only way the NR can benefit, if they plan on moving to Utah its a game changer.
I heard that all non-residents that complained were going to be required to hire a guide.

Oh! Let me think? That's New Mexico where they changed Non-res. chances to 6% rather than do that isn't it?
>Zeke but I don't agree with
>you on this, your son
>in laws can do what
>I plan on doing with
>grad school. Move out of
>Utah apply as a non
>resident and build some points.
>Move back to Utah and
>have extra points. That is
>the only way the NR
>can benefit, if they plan
>on moving to Utah its
>a game changer.

I never thought of that!!
I could return to Utah after retiring and have a ton of points. I love Utah and would gladly return, but my wife likes having her family close here in TN.
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