application deadline?


Active Member
I sent my antelope application in and I'm second guessing my first choice. I think I read on here as long as its in you have till april 15 or something to change it. Is this true or not?
You have a lot longer than that. You can modify or withdraw from the NR draw for deer and antelope until 5PM Mountain time on June 3. The date is shown right in the area on the G&F website NR Booklet where it also shows all the prices, last date to apply, draw dates, etc.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-12 AT 07:13PM (MST)[p]Yep, you just need to allow some time to let the people at G&F get it entered into the computer and then you can go online to do the changes or withdrawal. Section h on Page 7 of the NR Booklet on the website cover it and how to do it.

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