AOL War Poll

Thanks for the link.


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I gave him the benifet of the doubt and voted it was a combination of bad intel and deliberate lies, it's split 40/40 with those who say it was all deliberate. I guess I'm too soft on him.

If 80% of Americans know Bush lied to take uis into a war then that means some of his kool aid gang are on the wagon, about time.
20/20 hindsight, arm chair quarterbacks, coulda woulda shoulda....
The President is the commander and chief, "The buck stops with him". He has to make the tough decisions on taking us to war or not....what will the concequences be either way. I think he made the best decision based off of the circumstances and information he had to work with. Members of Congress saw the facts and the threat and supported him in this. We then need to make this a two part question...1. under the circumstances should we of gone to war. 2. Was the war effort mismanaged and why?
Let me give my answer to number 2. Saddam acted like he had something to hide. We were concerned about more attacks. When we didn't find any WMD's Congress did an about face didn't support the war effort any more. So then it made it hard for the Penagon to send more troops to get the job done. Finally last year the surge started and looks like it might work. This should have been done 4 years ago but many in Washington wanted to walk away and leave a mess.
I could not agree more, you break it you own it, so it is Bush's war after all, and now after all the killing he gets to skate and leave our nation with his mess - what a joke . . .
I do not think it's Bush's war. As an American, I believe that it is our country's war and we need to finish the job. It's about time we come together and knock off the "in fighting".
So we should all unite behind a liar and the lie he propagated? I'm going to have to get back to you on that.
Dude, so you are saying our possible future president (Clinton) is a liar and lied. Should we as a nation 'rise up' and demand she be forbidden from running for president since she has been 'PROVEN' to lie about national security issues and on whether going to Iraq was the right thing to do? I love all the 'selective' outrage. A poll can get any response it desires. You also have to take in account the role the media plays in all this, they have been convincing Americans that "Bush lied", while giving the Congress and themsleves a free pass. How convenient.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Congress got the information Bush gave them, not all of what was given to Bush was given to congress in fact even after the fact congress hasn't been able to get all the information, some of it's gone can you imagine that? besides who said congress was spot on anyway?

A poll with 80% of people saying he lied isn't within a normal margin of error to suggest maybe most Americans are of your mindset. good try though.

larrbo I don't need a response because you're not going to have a valid one. the vast majority of Americans now realize the war in Iraq was a mistake and Bush lied to get us there. that kind of thing just doesn't rally much support for some reason, don't know why.
Dude you T should stop drinking the cool aid. Good grief you too. Do you honestly believe barak Hussien Obama or Hillary Clinton Rohdam is the answer?????????????

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,

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