Anyone Workout & Use Supplements?



I was wondering if anyone here lifts and takes creatine? I have used the powder creatine before but I have never tried the capsules. I was wanting to know which one is better the capsules or the powder (mix)?

Thank you,

If there's creatine in chocolate cake and chimichangas...I take a sh!tload of it!!

Ask Slamdunk about Muscle Milk :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Do a cycle.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
I was told that if you buy the MuscleMilk, buy the stuff that doesn't have Splenda in it.

I've tried the powder, drops, and pills and couldn't notice much of a difference between them. I kinda liked the powder the best since you have to drink a ton of water anyway, you might as well do it when it tastes like Kool-Aid!

I prefere SizeOn to NoExplode. Plus NoExplode is more of a cell volumizer and NO2 supplement anyway. Also, the less ingredients in the product the better. i.e. CellTech is 5% creamono, 95% sugars and fillers.
When I was working out heavily 2 or 3 years ago I used no explode from precision enginering and added then took their finisher at the end of my workout (forget its name). I didn't start using it until I had peaked natural, but when I took it my bench went up 40 pounds in 2 months so I am a fan.
Thank you, I appreciate the input. It has been awhile since I took it and was wondering if the capsules were better.

Do any of you know where I can pick some up cheap?

Thank you,

I personally don't like NoExplode. It has some ingredients in it that aren't that good for you. I think it had a tremendous amount of caffeine? Can't remember. I do drink muscle milk though and like it alot. Helps me recover faster. Haven't tried the viagra yet. I've heard it'll make your muscles harder. My dad took some and went for a walk and his muscles hardened up and he had to walk all the way home. He said it was uncomfortable.
viagra would make a few MM'ers taller.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I work out evry day at work then go home and use beer as a supplementseems to work just fine
Good Luck and Great Memories
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-09 AT 11:06PM (MST)[p]All is now perfectly clear!

You guys sound like cattlemen talking about finishing market beef for the auction......Hence the term "beefcake"?

I'm with Wiz on this one.....if these supplements are not found in Krispy Kreme donuts....they don't belong in your body!
>Beer contains carbohydrates....enough said!
>Hopps and Barley= food group

Yes but nowdays it seems carbs are a no no..Thats why lately I have been drinking vodka and orange juice w/ a splash of cranberry juice.

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NO-Xplode is good stuff.

Mix in a multi-vitamin and a whey protein shake and your set.

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