Anyone won a hunt sweepstakes?


Long Time Member
Just curious if anyone on this site has ever won a free hunt or ATV or anything like that that has been advertised on the TV or internet. I'm sent the WY raffle tix every year for an elk hunt but never buy any of them. I'd be curious if any of you have won something like this. Thanks.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
There is a guy I work with that is a raffle junkie , and he has won a bunch of cool stuff . From what I understand the raffles or sweepstakes he plays are the free kind that you have to send a post card or your name in the mail .

He explains that in a sweepstakes he will spend a around 200 bucks in postage . I know in the last 15 years he has won a boat , a jet ski , and several $ 500 visa cards .
$200 in postage? Holy crap....that's a lot of postcards!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I used his theory of mailing a ton of postcards a couple of years ago on a Cabelas sweepstakes . I couldn't bring myself to spending as much as he did . I spent around $ 40 or 50 bucks on stamps , but then again of course I didn't win any thing from Cabelas .

I think Cabelas is having another sweepstakes and they are giving away 50 chevy trucks . We joke around that I'm going to win one of those trucks , and then I'll turn around and trade it in on a Ford .
You should get with NVB. If there is one thing he knows, it is how to win a sweepstakes. He has won a few dandies such as this fine specimen.

Not really a sweepstakes...
My wife won a .300WinMag and I won a $250 gunsmith certificate one year at an RMEF banquet. Used the $250 to shorten the stock and put a brake on her gun.

My ex won a summons once. She got a speeding ticket, failed to appear so the summons came to my house. I forgot what I did with it.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
>My ex won a summons once.
> She got a speeding
>ticket, failed to appear so
>the summons came to my
>house. I forgot what
>I did with it.


I don't blame you, feddoc! That's funny....

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 02:00PM (MST)[p]I won a Stone sheep hunt a few years ago. Got a great ram because I figured since I did not pay for the hunt I should be selective. This year I won a New Mexico elk hunt at Eastern Wild Sheep Foundation. Right before that my wife won a fur jacket in the ladies raffle. A few years ago she won a moose hunt in BC. She thought it might be a little much for her so she gave it to me and I upgraded it to a grizzly hunt.
A few years ago at Eastern WSF they raffled off 5 guns with the last one being a 375 h&h custom rifle. The second and fourth ones were won by the same person and he gave back a mosseburg turkey gun to auction on the spot. I bought it for about 50 bucks more than it was worth. When my friend questioned me I told him I was looking for a new turkey gun and besides I just made a donation and I was going to win the 375. Less than a minute later they called the ticket and I won.Also have won a rifle from Pa QDMA and a rangefinder from RMEF. I am addicted to raffle tickets and usually buy some from multipule groups. I will buy more tickets from conservation groups than any other organizations because I believe the money goes to a good cause and they need our support.
Good for you 1367. You can't win if you don't buy/apply.

Do I have a deal for you, have raffle tickets for a WY Commissioniers tag good for either an elk, deer, or antelope, your choice. Limited # of tags..300, but $100 each, or 2 for $200...also 9 other consolation prizes, guns, binocs, camera, Caribbean cruise. Genearlly sell(last 3 years) between 250-280 tickets. Funds go to WY Wild Sheep Fountation.

These tags generally sell for between 7,500-9,500 at auction.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

Need to check but I think I have one already. I did get 2 postcards about your raffle yesterday. I will buy one if I did not already. How does that work. I know you pick which animal but after that which zones or seasons can you hunt?
Rifle Raffles

2 Rem 700's, 25-06 HMR, 30.06 mtn rifle
1 Win M70 SS 7mm-08
1 Sako .375 H&H
1 Wby Mk V ultralight .300 wby
Bob- That blows!! I've never seen you wear a tie and I can't ever picture you in a wet suit scuba diving! I once went was pretty fun!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I won a turtle hunt at the Western Turtle Foundation (WTF) dinner. Roy beat me up and took my ticket before I could turn it in.

Eel choose the hunt area for the species you select. For elk there are a couple areas around Jackson in/around the elk refuge that are not included.
Back in 2000, at the Bridger Mountain Man Rendivous, I bought 1 ticket for a $1.00. The day I left for Colorado cow elk hunt, got the call from the Tennessee Valley Muzzleloaders. I won the rifle. They sent it to me, it was a .32 flintlock. All their guns are custom built. The thing showed up about a week later after I got home and of course I drooled and let everyone else drool then put it in the safe. In 2001, I took it back to Bridger, went in to TVM's traders tent and asked Matt Avance, the owner, if I could trade it back for a .54 caliber. No problem. He laid it on the bench, started makin notes and told me I had about $750.00 to put towards another one. SWEEEEET Looked through his stuff , found the one I now have, gave him another $125.00 and took home a new TVM .54 cal and had him engrave his signature on it. Flintlocks rule!!!
I won an atv at a raffle. I sold the atv and bought a boat. Traded the boat for some house remodeling. Sold the house...

Jealous? Naaaa....I have a big breasted gal as my wife and she'll sit on my lap anytime I ask her to! LOL

Woodruff- hopefully you made some money when you sold your house...:)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Over the years I've won 6 or 8 guns in raffles, but the two big prizes I won were a Yukon Dall Sheep hunt, and an Alberta elk hunt. Both of those hunts were won at FNAWS raffles. The sheep hunt went well, shot a nice ram on the 8th day of a 10 day hunt. The elk hunt was a total, freaking, unabated disaster.

The ultimate raffle prize winner of all-time is a good friend of mine who is now 87 years old. The very first year that FNAWS ever held a raffle for a Mexican desert sheep hunt, he held the winning ticket and shot a nice ram. The following year, he won the same hunt again, after having bought only 1 ticket. Those made the 2nd and 3rd desert sheep of his hunting career, and if he were young enough to do it one more time, he'd have 4 grand slams if he took a 4th desert sheep.

When "I" won the Dall Sheep hunt, that gentleman sold my mother 1 raffle ticket, as my parents visited the sheep show for the day, mainly to visit with him. That one ticket my mother bought was the winning ticket, and since my mom doesn't hunt, I had to take the hunt for her. I felt it was the least I could do!
Don't think it is the same person CAelknut is talking about but a man from Montana is luckiest person I have heard of. 7 or so years ago he won a summer membership raffle for a desert sheep with Alcampo in Mexico from GSCO. I think it was about 2-3 years later he won the same hunt again, same outfitter,same organization. He gave the hunt back on the condition that it be used for an 3/4 slam drawing. I think the only other condition was his wife got to draw the name. I was in the drawing so obviously I thought that was great. A few years later he put one ticket in the drum at the same convention for the same hunt.He was drawn again. I spoke with him about a hour later and he was still in shock. He made a comment about not knowing what to do as he knew so many people would like the hunt. My only thought was he had already given one away and I told him I thought he should go sheep hunting. I think he did.

There are other stories out there of people being generous and it coming back to them. At a FNAWS convention about 10 years ago a guy won the desert sheep in a raffle and gave it to his friend who was quite a bit older and was racing the clock. His friend killed a ram that year. The next year, you guessed it the same guy won again and was able to go on his own hunt.

One more story. At Our Eastern WSF convention this year we auctioned off a knife to support a local youth organization. It was sold for $11,000. to someone who obviously could afford it. He donated back and we resold it for another $5,000. I just heard the original buyer won a pretty good hunt in one of the major raffles out there. Yes, he could afford to pay for it himself but it could easily have been with the money he had just donated to youths.
>Woodruff- hopefully you made some money
>when you sold your house...:)
Yeah I did, and "reinvested" in another house when the building boom was in its prime lol... Now its worth less!!
Elknuts....saw Kern at SCI this year. He was in the lobby looking/waiting for Eric Forlee, Eric had an exhibitors badge for him, which I went and got for Kern. Knew Kern was getting up there, looked good and was glad (honored) to get to see him again.

One of the best meals I ever had was at Kerns 70 something birthday, was about 15 courses. Several hundred guests. We ate for 2 hours. Was with Big George, Crabtrees, Thompsons.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
1367, no, the fellow I'm referring to is from Sacramento. He is the gentleman that kilbuc referred to as 'Kern'. Kern Chew is one of the most wonderful people any of us will ever be fortunate enough to know, a fantastic hunter in his day, and a gentleman beyond what most of us will ever achieve. He no longer hunts, as he's in his late 80s, but his passion for years has been to raise money for the Shriner's Childrens Hospitals, for whom he has raised, literally, millions of dollars.

I've been fortunate to hunt with him in the Yukon and Zimbabwe, and those hunts are some of the best I've ever enjoyed, in part because of who I got to share those campfires with...Kern.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-11 AT 00:08AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-11 AT 00:05?AM (MST)

I would expect most to call BS on this one. There is a gentleman in Richfield, Utah that attends many local fund raising banquets every year, DU, MDF, RMEF, etc. He has done this for the last 25 years that I know of. I was at a banquet this year and I set across the table from him during the raffles. He is the luckiest person I've ever known when it comes to gun draws. I've seen him draw 2 in one night on more than a few occasions.

I asked him, "how many guns have you won over the years you've attended these banquets". His answer, 54 guns! The most at one banquet? 4!

Not a soul at the table doubted his numbers as we have all been amazed as we've watched his good fortune over the years.

He can't explain it and claims he doesn't do anything different than everyone except maybe buy a few more raffle tickets. He says he can feel it coming and has predicted on many occasions which gun he will win before the draws start. I'm not superstitious and don't have much use for the supernatural but watching this guy draw stuff at wildlife banquets is enough to spook the best of us.

If he's not putting in for State lottery somewhere every month, it would shock me.

I won't give out his name but there's a bunch of MMers around here that know who he his.

As for me, I won a Pepsi mug once.


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