anyone want to tag along on my oryx hunt on the rhodes canyon hunt?


New Member
I am looking to see if anyone can go along with me and my buddy. We will be flying in to hunt so we dont want all of the meat. We are looking to see if someone is off the 28-30 and wants to go along to help spot and drag! also hoping someone with a pickup in case we have trouble getting a truck for a rental. Call me if you want to go, Pat 262-388-2809
I would go in a second if I hadn't already taken time off during Thanksgiving to elk hunt. Good luck to you Pat. I'm sure you'll have no problems getting somebody to tag along.
Rent a truck.}> Since when do you ever rent a truck to hunt from. I still have an oil spot in my driveway.;-)
LOL! yea miller, i never told that story here at MM about my hobby of rental car torture. i went out by Miller for an archery lope hunt this summer. I rented a chevy cavalier. I was doing some hard core rough road riding while scouting with it.
One morning i call miller at work (from the car on the cell while driving)and the conversation goes like this... Me "whats up Dude, you gonna go sit in the blind tonight?" Miller: "yea, i will get out about 3, hey how's the car running?"
Me: "good why?"
Miller: "theres a oil spot on my driveway"
Me; "how big?"
Miller: "about 2X4"
Me: "inches? so what"
Miller: "No, feet!"
Me: " ugh, lemme call you back in a minute"
10 minutes later...
Me; Houston we have a problem..You got a drain pan and a floor jack? I punched a hole in the pan, nothing shows on the dipstick.
Miller: No
Well, long story short i went to the parts store and got a drain pan, 7 qts of oil (3 to get back, 4 after repair) a drain pan, parts cleaner, sandpaper, epoxy putty, and good as new!!!
which airport are u fly in? if u haven't find brother can tag along with you with us..

we ll be driving from santa fe.. my bro lives in abq

I'd love to tag along. I live in Albuquerque and have a 4x4 pickup. Getting the time off is no problem. Let me know.
I am flying into El paso Tx. Not sure if i am staying in Las crusces or Alamagorgo yet. Whatever town has the best strip bars!!
alamogordo is dead town! Las Cruces is your best choice hehe!! Best Hooters!! and strippers!

Vini, too bad your with the wife on this hunt, sounds like we could really have a blast in town... anyway, wherever the best "dollar store" is,is where i will stay
Guess I can't help you out, then. Probably for the best; I thought you were hunting oryx, not dears.
AAHHH forgot you got an orynx tag too!

Leave me some tags next year! Overall I am 0:100!

Good luck and post some pics!

I tried for the hunt that was during archery elk season, would be neat to leave your elk hunt for 2 days and nail a gemsbuck then return to your elk hunt (not to mention save a trip out there).

Heck of a combo hunt!
There seems to be a bit of confusion, are you going on a orynx hunt or a cervix hunt?????
Hunting is first order of course. But if i am not camping out I will definitly check out town.! so its a combo hunt.
Im sure somebody has said they will go but if not I would be more than willing to go. I live in Santa fe so picking you guys up is no problem. Plus I have got a truck so that is not problem.

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