Anyone want to bet?

I believe in your theory, Paul. Sure would take a lot involved for that to be the case though.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Osama probably died of natural causes years ago. come on guys!! but seriously, isnt the burial at sea less than 24 hours after death a little fishy?
>Osama probably died of natural causes
>years ago. come on
>guys!! but seriously, isnt
>the burial at sea less
>than 24 hours after death
>a little fishy?

oooops, well it looked like him anyways.......
I'm having my doubts about any thing Obama or his staff at this point . The burial at sea was the first questionable thing , and now the information released that there was only one armed person in the coumpound . INTENSE FIREFIGHT , WTH , how intense could it have been with a team of SEALS and one armed terrorist ?
I don't really care about the details. There are only two possibilities for OBL right now, either we have him alive in our custody, or he's dead. Either way we know he's not a threat anymore.
Although it does seem fishy (no pun intended) they dumped him in the sea, i'd have a hard time beleiving our government would be stupid enough to TRY to pull this off.
If he IS still alive and well, his next move will be to make the twin tower incident look like kids just playing with toys, just to show the world he's still here!
Releasing the phots wouldn't prove anything. There are already plenty of photos going around showing Bin Laden dead now. If they did release a photo, I bet it would conveniently be inconclusive.

They say they identified the body by facial recognition and DNA. Who conducted these tests? We'll never know. Now the body is no longer available. They say they dumped the body into the ocean. Did they really? Prove it.

They should have collected enough DNA to give a sample to many independant labs to cross check. If they didn't, why not? What would that hurt?

Something is fishy for sure. I would say, based on what they've told us so far, there is a 50-50 chance it was a hoax.

If Jerry Springer can get the DNA tests done in an hour or less than I am sure the NAVY can too.............WAFJ this whole thing is being played out to be. Nothing but to help BAMA look good.

OK, for all my fellow conspiracy theorists, did anyone notice there was no medical equipment in any of the photos that have been released?

It is widely known that OBL required dialysis daily. This compound had no power or phones, no medical equipment, and only 1 armed man? Seems to me someone has told a little white lie. And how hard would it really be to fabricate this story? The US gets word OBL passed of natural causes, they make up a story. America wants to believe it, and the terrorists want it so they can incite the emotions of their fellow terrorists.
Here is my opinion and for what its worth, I personally believe there is nothing short of Obama parting the waters and making the national debt disapear, there is no way that any sane american would re-elect him into a 2nd term. Obama is nothing but a 110% failure. Of course he did not create this mess all on his own, but its going to take several more 2 term presidents to get this country back on track. I too don't believe they killed Osama, I think he is still alive and living large and has a plan to make 9/11 look like a stroll in the park. I also think serious consequences should be brought against Pakistan for hosting terrorists. But like I said this is my opinion only.
Chuck in Boise
I have mixed emotions.
The angry American in me wanted his body drug through the streets and burned on a bridge.
The father in me wants our boys in harms way to be safe.
I watched my neighbor bury his young soldier last summer and if releasing the pics of Bin Laden resulted in the death of just one brave young American it wasn't worth it.
If it were my son in Afghanistan or Iraq right now I'm not sure I'd want the pics released.
Just my .02.
Come on PC - time to put the beer bong down! Even Al Queda claims he is dead now.

We don't need no stinking pictures!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON May-06-11 AT 11:32AM (MST)[p]Well, the least they could do is show the long form death certificate. Shouldn't it be in a court house in Pakistan? Maybe in the County he died in? It has to be filed for Social Security and tax purposes.

Obama should at least go out and buy a Bin Ladin death certificate from the same place he bought his birth certificate. Juan told me he paid $40 for one just like it in LA.


yes eelgrass. the goverment had no trouble showing sadamm h. get his neck broke. so what is the big mystery now ? i would have thought barry soroto would have learned it's best to show proof after he showed us his phony birth certicicate..
LAST EDITED ON May-06-11 AT 03:22PM (MST)[p]He is NOT dead!!!

I was on my way to the golf course at 6:30 today and stopped at a 7-11 for coffee. Bin Laden was walking out as I was walking in. He got in a pink Cadillac convertible; Elvis Presley was driving it.

P.S. The compound HAD power. It didn't have a phone or an internet connection.




How To Hunt Coues Deer
>Here is my opinion and for
>what its worth, I personally
>believe there is nothing short
>of Obama parting the waters
>and making the national debt
>disapear, there is no way
>that any sane american would
>re-elect him into a 2nd
>term. Obama is nothing
>but a 110% failure.
>Of course he did not
>create this mess all on
>his own, but its going
>to take several more 2
>term presidents to get this
>country back on track.
>I too don't believe they
>killed Osama, I think he
>is still alive and living
>large and has a plan
>to make 9/11 look like
>a stroll in the park.
> I also think serious
>consequences should be brought against
>Pakistan for hosting terrorists.
>But like I said this
>is my opinion only.
>Chuck in Boise

Chuck......I wouldn't bet too much on Barry NOT getting reelected.....millions of Dems' think he is doing a FINE job! Until he actually packs his chit out the White House door, I won't believe he can't get the nod! We have an endless supply of idiots in this country.

Hell, as little as he and his loyal minions' care about the Constitution, he might serve 3 terms!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Nobody tell P.C. what a beer bong is the Bud brewing conpany can barely keep up now!


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
LAST EDITED ON May-07-11 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]BYou wanna talk about hoaxes? I heard the government is even claiming we put a man on the moon! Faked the whole thing.

You conspiracy theorists amaze me. Go back to watching Swamp People.

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