anyone frying turkeys on Thanksgiving?



LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-09 AT 07:50PM (MST)[p]I just bought a Bass Pro stinless steel one I wanted today!
hope i don't burn anything!


I'm a huge fan of fried turkeys and have experimented injecting them with all kinds of seasonings the past few years, cajun is by far my fav!! I think oven baked birds are the worst dinner imaginable and feel seriously bad for anyone who has to eat one of those dry things this week...

Just keep it away from anything flammable and dont put it in frozen. You will do fine.
I thought deep fried turkey was the only way to go untill my old man bought a Traeger wood pellet bbq. Cooked all day on the lowest (smoke) setting.....WOW! Was the best turkey I've ever had.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
If y'all are getting dry birds in the oven then you should be cooking them breast down....They are good and juicy this way.


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oh yeah snort....I love doing them breast down.....way moister....mmmmmmmmmmmm....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Darn!!! guess i'll just have to be one of those,...

"...who has to eat one of those dry things this week..."

Deep fried turkey, by those that know how and don't over do it, is my favorite way to prepare and put the feed bag on for Mr. Gobbleraro!!! :)

>I'm a huge fan of fried
>turkeys and have experimented injecting
>them with all kinds of
>seasonings the past few years,
>cajun is by far my
>fav!! I think oven baked
>birds are the worst dinner
>imaginable and feel seriously bad
>for anyone who has to
>eat one of those dry
>things this week...

If you don't over cook them they are not dry. For some reason some choose to cremate everyting they cook.
RE: A Turkey RACKMASTER style

Breast down is good but inject the turkey and cook it back down place cheese clothe over the turkey and put butter and spices all over top of cheese cloth . Cover bird making sure you do not have foil or anything else is touching bird .
I have used Tony Chasery's ( ? ) cajun or creole and mixed up my own for injection .
I prefer the oven over fried as long as it is injected well and the bird will never be dry.
Yep. I fry a few turkeys every year. About 2 months ago I injected one with buffalo sauce and it was awesome.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-

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