anyone following this??


Very Active Member

Complete load of crap in my opinion.....most classy teacher I was ever educated by to be charged by the county and not even the student involved is just a slap in the face.....Coach North is the teacher we all remember the one that actually cared....


First of all we need more teachers like this and second the kid is 18!!! he's not a child!!! Child abuse?? rediculous!!!!
How did we, who suffered no adverse consequences from our teachers being allow to dispense punishment to students, ever allow the situation to get to where it is today? I remember teachers having a paddle to swatt unruly kids with. As I recall those kids turned out to be good adults. We sent our children to Catholic grade school, where the teachers continued to be able to dispense punishement, and they and their friends have all turned out great.
I for one think it's ridiculous that teachers have to be the babysitters for today?s kids and their hands are tied to give out any discipline . When we were kids and we got out of line we got a paddling either right there on the spot or down at the office. It didn't end there either. When the parents back in those days got the news their kids were out of line at school they got another spanking by mom or dad when they got home. That is not the case today and it's a bunch of crap. Root cause for most kids misbehavior of today are with the parents IMO.

+1 GBA, The first thing my kids teachers, scout leaders and so forth get told is that their belt works just as good as mine. If my kid steps out of line put them in their place.
This is one of the exact reasons I retired in June from teaching/coaching 33 years. Plus, it is much worse here in CA. Special interest groups and liberals are ruining this once fine country....pc
>This is one of the exact
>reasons I retired in June
>from teaching/coaching 33 years.

That and they started frowning on Budweiser in your lunch pail. :)
One of my teacher's accidentally bumoed into a kid in my class and the kid freaked out and then he ended up giving himself two black eyes and he tried to blame it on the teacher and due the teacher. The teacher ended up getting in trouble. And now my school just fired two of the best coaches in my school for no apparent reason. Got to love my school administration.
There is always two sides to a story and although liked by the majority of the students it unfortunately gives teachers no right to enter someones personal space or lay a hand on them . When i was a senior in highschool my vice principal jim johnson pulled that chit on me and he got a little more than he expected after he threw me through the front doors of pine view high school in front of 30 students and then tried dragging me into the office when i decided i was done being handled, Jim got a slap on the hand ond i got suspended then a year later he pulled the same chitt on another student and was sent to the district office to work instead of loosing his job where he still works today. If i ran into him on the street tomorrow i would knock the f--- out of him ! it takes two to tango but if your going to give it you better be ready to recieve it.

I have a question for you longshooter338, Did you go to school on that day to mind your own business and learn like you were supposed to, or by off chance did you do something that got you into that trouble?? I suspect you weren't exactly doing what you were sent to school to do on that day as I highly doubt that vice principle just decided to pick on you.. I will also bet whatever it was you did to get the guy upset with you that you didn't do it again. Want to fess up??

I hate to rain on your parade longshooter, but my point is kids in school, even 18 year olds, should show respect to the school officials. You might feel you have been unjustly accused, but it would never be right to respond as you did in my humble opinion. Lets take it 10 years post graduation. Lets say you are pulled over and the police officer thinks you have been drinking and wants you to perform certain sobriety tests. Lets say you think that is bs and decide not to perform them as quickly as the police officer requests and he responds by getting a little forceful with you. So there you go, you decide you need to show him you are not to be pushed around. Don't think so. Bottom line, I do not agree with you position at all.
>I hate to rain on your
>parade longshooter, but my point
>is kids in school, even
>18 year olds, should show
>respect to the school officials.
> You might feel you
>have been unjustly accused, but
>it would never be right
>to respond as you did
>in my humble opinion.
>Lets take it 10 years
>post graduation. Lets say
>you are pulled over and
>the police officer thinks you
>have been drinking and wants
>you to perform certain sobriety
>tests. Lets say you
>think that is bs and
>decide not to perform them
>as quickly as the police
>officer requests and he responds
>by getting a little forceful
>with you. So there
>you go, you decide you
>need to show him you
>are not to be pushed
>around. Don't think so.
> Bottom line, I do
>not agree with you position
>at all.

Let me break it down to you this way his son and i wrestled the same weight in hs i was a senior he was a junior and he could not beat me on his best day, And yes i was taught at an early age to be respectfull and was ,but i was also taught to not take any bull shart i didnt have coming my way. On the day it happened coach johnson had 2 cars that were parked behind my bronco in our school parking lot moved and had mine towed away yep 3 students parked in the same no parking zone due to school construction were removed and left but i was towed i told coach johnson on my way out that it was bull shart and thats all it took he grabbed me and threw me through the doors, still think he was justified over my expression of what i thought of his actions singling me out CA ?


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