Anyone fish the Skeena River Lately?


Long Time Member
As well traveled as the hunting community is here I figured someone might know about this renown BC steel head/salmon river. Trying to plan an outing for next summer.

2lumpy, the skeena is a gigantic river, I had always wanted to fish it and when my dad an I went mt goat hunting we checked it out, we ended up fishing by terrace and down in kitimat, all we caught though were pinks, this was 5 years ago.

My brother and a friend went there 2 years ago for Steelhead. He said not to bother with it. The river is VERY big and without a drift boat it is very hard to fish.

Salmon might be a different story.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-11 AT 03:53PM (MST)[p]You have got to be kidding Pookie.

The Skeena system is the holy grail to Steelhead fishermen.
Unrivaled for giants up to and over 30 lbs.

It's on my bucket list for sure.
I know guys that go every year while I only dream of going...







Not to mention it is most likely one of the most beautiful places on planet Earth.

Thanks HunterH, it's amazing those fish can hold those guys by there hands and display them like that. I want one to do that to me!

I'm ready to go in 2012. As I've watch your history on here I think I better hire you to make my arrangements, that way I can be sure to get the most out of the trip.

The guys I know go the first week of October to pursue those giant steelies.

Not sure that fits your schedule.

HunterH, are the pictures you posted of friends? Would it be possible to communicate with any of them?

October or any other month will work for me. I'm retiring in July and that part of Canada is going to see a lot of me for the next 20 years. Or, at least that's the plan.

I'd like to park my 5th wheel up there until freeze up each summer, so I can learn the ropes. I want to see Alaska but there are more roads and places I can get to in British Columbia so that's my focus for the present.

Anyway, contacts with current knowledge are what I'm looking for.

Thanks again.
I have fished both the Kispiox and the Babine tribs of the Skeena great fishing years ago. Don't think its as good now. A really fun trip for steelhead is at Bucks lodge in B.C. great food scenery and lots of fish,this is in April or May.The Skeena can be fished out of boats in April on, the smaller tribs where the big fish are mostly caught usually starts in Sept.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-11 AT 04:50PM (MST)[p]I KNOW about the skeena system as being the "Holy Grail" of steelhead fishing. BUT it gets a lot of pressure, is a big system and IS hard to fish.

If you are not a die hard steelhead freak, then don't bother. That was my advice, and still is. Here are th pics of this springs adventures in Idaho. (Yep my wife fished through the snow storm with me!!)



I will eventually make a trip to BC. BUT as has been noted by others the fishing is not as good as it used to be.

Oh and as a side note, there are certain systemsn in AK that I would travel to WAY before I would spend the money to go to BC. The fish are not quite as big, i.e. 20 pounds is a huge one. But the fish are not as educated or line wary, I use 25# mono as my leader there.

But, what do I know about steel head fishing, having guided in AK for 5 years at it.
The Situk river in SE Alaska is probably the best bang for your buck steelhead river.

However for those seeking a once in a lifetime shot at a 30lber, the Kispiox (Skeena System)is where you should be spending your time.

Granted, it is an "advanced skill level" type of river and these guys ain't your average fisherman.

Here's a few pics from a friend's 2011 trip.
It didn't suck.





Those pictures are just enough to stagger anyone. Trophy fish to the exponential degree. No doubt the Idaho and Alaska steelhead are great but I will be in the Skeena River country because that's where I plan to spend my summer/fall for the next number of years, if possible.

I've dreamt of the time when I could live there, for the last 50 years. The fishing is just one of the reasons.

I'm not hard core like the folks in those pictures but you know, throwing woolybuggers into a body of water that has that kind of creature in it is just about satisfying enough in and of itself. Hooking one would put me in orbit.

I plan on going to the hunting and fishing lodges up there and offer my services in trade for fishing instruction and time on the river. My wife loves the outdoors and she and I make a pretty good cook and bottle washer team but I'd be willing to do just about any kind of camp duties, just to be on the river part of the day. After July of 2012 I won't need much if any income, just a place to lay my head, point my rifle and cast my woolybuggers. I figure, a little at a time, I'll eventually develop the skill and the knowledge to catch one now and again.

Time will tell, but I will try. Santa will leave a spey rod in my sock this year, just got a feeling!

I sure appreciate everyone's input. Narrowing the choices makes a big difference, as it does whether your going to China to see the sights, New Zealand to hunt tahr, African to hunt leopard, or Utah to hunt elk, the more accurate info you get the shorter the learning curve.

All info is greatly appreciated.


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