Anyone ever Hunt Unit 32 Antelope in Wyoming



My 12 year old nephew and I drew Unit 32 antelope this year.Its just south of Casper This will be our first antelope hunt for the both of us.Anyone know of any good private land that we could pay a reasonable trespass fee for a little better chance at taking nice bucks. Or does someone know of a public area with no 4 wheeler access in hopes of hiking in and losing some hunters. Just starting the research appreciate any advise. Thanks.
No four wheelers on public land in 32. Not a chance. Those a-holes run every nook, cranny and orifice that 32 has to offer. You're best bet on checking out private land would be to make a call to the G & F and ask the warden for some names. Due to the excessive number of tags, the goats in 32 get real wild after the first two days. They tend to settle down by the end of the season as most people are done.
I drew that unit, type 2, last season. I only had time for a 2 day hunt because of tight time schedules. I saw some nice bucks around Big Muddy. There seems to be a bit of private land that makes travel difficult, but a good map will guide you through. I hunted the last 2 days of the season and missed a nice one that I thought was border line B&C. At that time they weren't as wild to run as I've seen them, but still very wary and skidish. I would recomend contacting Game and Fish for a phone list of all private land owners in the zone. Try to snug up as close as posible to the Shirley Basin area for a possible chance at one of the big boys coming off those large private ranches in there.
If I remember correctly, there are some walk-in/hunter management areas in this unit that are big. Check the G&F site, if you haven't already.

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