Anyone else receive this?


Active Member
I got a text tonight stating, "7 pm tomorrow there having a wolf meeting at cedar middle school there trying to introduce 1000 wolfs into Dixie National Forrest we need support on protesting this please be there if you can!" Anyone else get this? I don't have the number saved in my contact list so I don't know who it is from, but am guessing it is from a kid I knew while at SUU. Wondering how legit it may be.
Man I sure hope that's not true. If so then every sportsman in Southern Utah better show up for that one. You think the deer herd is suffering now, just wait till a pack of wolves gets into the mix. 1000 wolves sounds like an awful lot for an introduction pack anyway.

It's always an adventure!!!
wtf did they get 1000 wolves???...idaho??

A 1000 Wolves?

That ought to finish the Deer Herd off in a hurry!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
yeah 1000 would be alot, maybe it was a typo. Have gotten the same message a few times now. If it is true I sure hope a lot of people show up. I know I would if I still lived down that way.
This was from Senator Orrin Hatch last October:

Here's a recent guest editorial article in the Spectrum newspaper in St. George.

This must be at least a possibility being tossed around...That's my home turf. It would be utter disaster on the deer population there, or anywhere for that matter.

I'll be curious to hear if there is a meeting scheduled.
I thought it was a meeting about helping mule deer. 1000 mfin wolves my hell that is doom!
Anyone who believes that text for a second is an idiot. Lets see, in 1995 they reintroduced 14 wolves in Yellowstone but they're going to reintroduce 1000 in So. Utah?
i got it and i am trying to find info whether its true or not. I do know they are trying to introduce wolves here whether or not this meeting is happening idk. I have just heard they are pushing for wolves in the southern rockies.|head

there is a link for the 1000 wolves not in in dixie but the entire SW US
What I heard, and haven't been able to verify, is the USFWS is going to establish three new populations. One on the AZ strip, Paunsagaunt and Kaibab Plateau, one above the Mogollon Rim and one in SW CO & NW NM in the Navajo Lake area. It's like they picked the best quality mule deer units and the best elk units in AZ. It appears that this is a backroom deal made with the wolfies to stay out of court. No other input has been solicited and the USFWS is planning to make the release a reality. I hope we can get the facts in time to prevent this disaster. I've hunted 2B in NM, would like to draw that tag again and have a goal of hunting 12A in AZ. Wolves in these units would be devastating.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-12 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]Here's a little more info on what is being attempted.


Their calling it the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project. The map came from their website. Sorry for the poor quality but I think you can see the true agenda. Pretty scary how far along they are on the project. All this is being done without the involvment of the AZGFD, they are being "informed" of the results of the project.

If you want to try to turn the tide on wolf reintroduction in our states by the federal government, you can express your displeasure to Dan Ashe, the director of the USFWS at [email protected] and Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Interior at [email protected]. Or you can just let it happen.
just make sure to bring up the wolf problem in pie town nm where the kids have to sit in shelters while waiting for the school bus! ask them if they want their kids to be stalked on the way home from school.they may try to fight it by saying they will not release the wolves near any communities. they are wild predators, predators that have been raised by people! what the hell makes them think that with out some kind of management they will stay in the forest. also what happens when they begin to kill off the animals such as deer, elk and antelope. it is basic wildlife management. 1000 wolves in generally such a small area is flat out stupid! the deer heard is not all im worried about! there is livestock, kids, pets, hikers,the list could go on and on.

"Better to dwell in the wilderness, Then with a contentious and angry women Proverbs 21:19)
If you show up to protest, be sure to dress nice and be very respectful. They will probably cancel the whole thing.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-12 AT 04:34PM (MST)[p]Better get to every meeting they have,its your last chance to stop it.
Well I haven't heard anything more about this potential meeting. Tried to reach a friend who said he was going to it, but I have not heard back from him.

I appreciate the info that was gathered concerning the matter. Opened my eyes to the possible reality of it. I can't believe that they would even consider doing something like this but then again why should it surprise me. I sure hope it doesn't happen, it would certainly be a waist.
the meeting was real and the house was pretty dang full. sfw and bgf put it on. the meeting was about what sfw has done for mule deer and other wildlife as well as future plans.then they talked about how the usfws and wolfies were trying to secretly introduce wolves here. ryan benson and a guy from sfw stumbled onto the plan and helped slow it down. the plan was supposed to be final in december of 2011 and they would have been releasing wolves as we speak had they not got the brakes put on them.

Many of you may dislike sfw and bgf but when you look at what they have done, they have done a lot.

The fight is real and they(wolfies) are pushing for wolves as we speak if you have not already go to the biggame forver website and sign the wolf petition its free and only takes a second.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-12 AT 10:39PM (MST)[p]Yes...most of us here dont like the politician.Or the politics that go on. But we need them to fight in the political arena for us. Most of us ,me included would fly of the handle and get nothing done. So much bs going on there. They know how to talk the talk and most of us wouldn't dance with them. But the Sfw and Bgf guys are on our side. Even if we dont aggree with them all of the time.
If you check the origins of the BS cool-aide your drinking, I'll bet this info's straight from SFW/BGF. It's the type of hysteria they propagate. It delivers more money to their coffers. Not dis-similar from what PETA, and Earth Justice do.

By the sounds of the responders they'll need to mix up another pitcher of their favorite drink. Laffin!

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Yeah, that was my understanding as well. The actual reintroduction has been on again off again for a few years, with several factors stalling efforts, the least of which has been any Con Org that I know of; thus my question regarding the "secret wolf intro" headed off at the last minute.

I skimmed through the 21 pages of your link and all I see there references the Blue Range and White Sands Missile Range releases. There is nothing in that document addressing the release area as defined in the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project. I hope we have a chance to stop this reintroduction. I have no love for SFW and don't want to be lumped in with the Kool Aide bibbers.
im no koolaid drinker/ i do believe they have done alot of our political dirty work in washington for us. as well as they have done habitat restoration. and they helped moose elk bighorn populations grow. do i agree with everything they do ? No... i am not a member, but i would be willing to volunteer on project
I'm not going to pay $10 to read an opinion from someone. Do you have any FACTUAL information on wolf recovery in the area your concerned about?

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
So this so called "Wolf Meeting" to stop a 1000 wolves form being reintroduced into southern Utah was just another SFW Kool-aid keg party? LMAO!!!!!

Does the Don want a few hundred more tags to whore out to stop the Mexican wolf?
Man you Utahans are a gullible bunch. Just a couple minutes of research turned this up.

Theo, sounds like you were chug-a-lugging hard off the keg last night, buying into the Dons BS scare tactics. Also sounds like you Southern Utah boys were in a full on panic yesterday for nothing. BTW, I can't find anything that says SFW shut down a secret wolf planting operation, but I'll keeo looking.
4100 and shotgun get a clue,

Read the bottom of the Senator Hatch article. It was a reply from Eva Sargent PhD. She is the Defenders of Wildlife South West Program dirrector, from Tuscon AZ.

She is the one saying don't worry about the wolves. When they are one of the groups wanting to spread wolves and stop all hunting.

You are free to keep complaining about SFW and BGF. It's a free world.
I don't agree with all that SFW does. They are fighting for our future, no doubt about it. You are obviously not as informed or as smart as you think you are.
There is no doubt in my mind that some Enviros want to put wolves in southern Utah and surrounding areas, but in all reality that is SEVERAL years and countless public hearings and meetings down the line. A far cry from some secret wolf planting BS that the Don and SFW put out there to get you guys all worked up so you would show up to that meeting with your wallets open, and from the sounds of it, it worked, you guys swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

BTW, were smart enough not to let some Shyster steal over 500 public tags from us.
I spoke to our wildlife chief about these rumors yesterday. He explained that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is in the early stages of developing a recovery plan for Mexican wolves, and no final decisions will be made for several years. Any proposal to introduce wolves would go out to the public for input before a final decision was made. In other words, there is nothing official right now: not a proposal, not a reintroduction area, not a timeline.

In the meantime, Utah's DWR is represented on the recovery-plan team, and we're working vigorously to keep all recovery efforts within the historic range of Mexican wolves (areas outside of Utah).

The following paragraph is at the end of a recent DWR fact sheet and provides a bit more information about Mexican wolves:

What about Mexican wolves?
The Mexican wolf is a unique subspecies that occurred in Mexico and parts of the southwestern United States. Biologists have determined that the core population of Mexican wolves did not range farther north than central Arizona and New Mexico. The DWR opposes any efforts to recover this subspecies in Utah.

Amy Canning
Communications Specialist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
there ya go shotgun and 4100 they are working on plans for it. whther there was a back door meeting or not we needa stop it. sounds like the dwr is on top of it too
If you guys think for one second the enviros are not sneaky cheats you are a sad gulliable group. (just live only 300 wolves were supposed to be introduced to our friends to the north and they didnt stick to there commitment why would they with anything else.)
they will do anything to ruin our livelihoods

sfw didnt get a dollar from me and likely never will.. I signed wolf petitions for bgf and that is it. they didnt ask for a dime.
I am all about getting ahead of the curve and shutting it down before it even has the chance to happen.

sfw has done good and bad.
do i like sfw? not necessarily. sooo i dont give them a dime.
to be honest i am not fully educated on them. I dont know every detail and so i will not say whether i agree with them or not as a whole. but i agree our deer need help, and the wolves kept away.
I really don't think you have a clue theox, the only PLAN anyone will be working on, is a modernization of the old one. Read the link I posted up above. It's the only PLAN there is. The new one will likely look at new science figures and adjust those wolf numbers accordingly.

All you've proven so far, is the fact you drink BGF/SFW fire water. Just your name being on a petition with BGF is funny.

BTW, you can't stop anything. The plan is approved and has been in place for years. Live with it.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
4100 you sound like a wolf in sheeps clothing to me.

nothing funny about signing a petition to keep wolves out. how in any way is that bad unless someone is a pro wolfer.

Like i said I do not know enough about sfw to make any informed decisions so is there kool aid on my breathe? i think not.

how ever i can smell something on you
4100 this is from the st george utah news paper. this was my link to you and for some reason it got to the pay page. there is attempts to bring wolves here bud.

I dont know what your agenda is or what your trying to prove but seeing how your from montana and your herds got eaten becuases e people like you were too naive to open your ey
es to the shady wolfers agenda you would think you would be for trying to stop them before they get too far on it.

EDITOR?S NOTE: The following is an editorial submitted by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and does not necessarily represent the views of St. George News.

When people say the wolf is at the door, they are typically using a popular idiom to indicate they have fallen on hard times. But that expression could become more than a figure of speech in southern Utah if the Obama administration has its way.

With the federal government falling short of its goal to reintroduce 100 Mexican wolves in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now proposing to greatly expand their numbers and place them outside their historic range where the consequences could be dire. And the scientists appointed to look at expanding the scope of Mexican wolf reintroduction efforts have Utah?s Dixie squarely in their political crosshairs.

As part of their proposal to ?reintroduce? 750 Mexican wolves, these scientists want to have a self-sustaining population of 250 wolves in southern Utah and northern Arizona ? places that fall well outside the predators? historic range. How can you ?recover? Mexican wolves in areas where they have not been?

Now I realize geography covers too much ground to be understood by many in Washington. But I expect better from the Administration and its appointed scientists, who are kowtowing to environmental extremists and ignoring multiple scientific studies that confine the northern extent of Mexican wolves? historic range to Arizona and New Mexico.

Just as egregious, the agency wants to list Mexican wolves under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as a ?subspecies,? which will prevent Utah and other states from managing the predators if they wander outside of their historic range. Utah wildlife officials say this could lead to a re-listing of gray wolves in parts of Utah where they have just been delisted because the ESA requires unprotected species to be treated as endangered if they look similar to protected species such as Mexican wolves.

Furthermore, the ESA prevents a species like the Mexican wolf from ever being delisted and turned over to the states for management until it is no longer endangered in ?all or a significant portion of its range.? Since 90 percent of the Mexican wolf?s historic range is in Mexico, which the Administration?s recovery plan does not address, there is virtually no prospect of that ever happening.

So what would be the consequences to southern Utah? Without any means of controlling the Mexican wolf or protecting livestock, the losses to our state?s farming and ranching industry, which accounts for $1.5 billion in sales every year, would be severe. The same is true of elk and other wildlife in southern Utah. The reintroduction of gray wolves in Yellowstone has taken a big bite out of elk numbers there. Placing a similar number of wolves in and around Utah?s Dixie, where elk and big game animals are not nearly as numerous, is irresponsible. Once the elk are gone, the wolves will move on to livestock ? just as gray wolves have and continue to do since their reintroduction in 1995 to Yellowstone and northern Idaho.

It is past time for Washington bureaucrats to turn wolf management over to the dedicated state professionals who have a proven track record of managing elk, deer and other wildlife. The federal government has no business foisting Mexican wolves and other non-native species on Utah. I am committed to continue to do all I can to ensure that they don't.

Mexican wolves clearly do not belong in Utah. State officials say they don't want them. Neither do ranchers, sportsmen and others in southern Utah ? and they are not just whistling Dixie.

? Sen. Orrin Hatch is a member of the Senate Western Caucus
ox you are right on track. IF there is a plan for 1 wolf that is one too many. We see what happened to the north of us with a "small appropriate" reintroduction...bull%$#@. They are everywhere now. I don't care if it is "for the original habitat of central arizona and new mex" they will spread and we will have them in Utah. Stop this crap before it even gets started, or we will never get them slowed. 4100 and shotgun are the ones getting the bag pulled over thier heads. Sit on your a$$es and don't do anything and we will see how many wolfes we have in "several years" WTF
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-12 AT 07:11PM (MST)[p]Have at it. It's been really successful here in Montana and next door in Idaho. Wyoming too. There's no way in Hell we can shoot our way out of the wolf thing. Not saying you shouldn't try, but it won't work. And only a fool believes it will. mtmuley
I appreciate Amy looking into the matter but if the USFWS releases wolves north of the Grand Canyon in AZ and none in UT, do you really think the wolves will respect the state line? If the Mexican Grey Wolf is listed as a distinct subspecies, as the wolfies are pushing, killing a wolf in UT would be the same as killing a California Condor or Bald Eagle. We really can't just roll over and let the eco-wackjobs destroy the mule deer that migrate between AZ and UT. I would hope that sportsmen will not give up the fight just because the wolfies are winning right now. The release areas identified in the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project were picked because of "suitable prey species" inhabiting the areas. Exactly to which prey species do you think they were referring?
theox, you really don't get it do you? I ask for factual information, you give me links to opinions in the paper. The letter to the editor that Hatch wrote was right from SFW/BGF. Hatch was the Senator that tried killing the Tester/Simpson rider to delist wolves in Idaho and Montana. As per request of SFW/BGF. That's a whole other story though and well above what your capable of digesting.

Just because some wolf loving group wants 1000 wolves doesn't mean that's what going to happen. They wanted 3000 for Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming too. That's DOA.

More than likely your going to end up with some wolves to deal with, SFW/BGF aren't going to save you from that.

I've fought the fight for 16 years here in Montana, in most all of that time there was no SFW/BGF, until the last few years. They jumped in at the 12 hour to claim some sort of victory, even after they tried to kill the delisting for us.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
4100 if its all behind the scene there are no facts.

weird how sfw got to montana and the wolves get delisted isnt it. sounds like in a couple years they got done what you couldnt in 16 years.

Pretty sure i can digest whatever you can throw at me.

by giving you the wolfies site it shows they are working on it. if you think for a minute that our govt agencies like the usfws dont have wolf wackos in them that will push from the inside. well your a naive fool. the govt does alot of things without our approval. they will do this. had guys like you not been so naive in the first place there probably wouldnt be wolves in montana id wy but guys like you sit on your butt crying its some big conspiracy theory put on to make money yada yada yada. who cares if the plan may never happen lets make sure there is no doubt it wont happen. Instead of sitting there with your thumb up your rear, do something about it.

your one of the stubborn naive fools that are not worth arguing with. Im done on this post. I dont want wolves and ill take the precautions needed. Its weird someone like you that has lost your elk herds is so hesitant to try to keep them from adding more. something doesnt smell right with you.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-12 AT 04:35PM (MST)[p]In most peoples brain there's a thing called comprehension skills. When you read something your suppose to understand what was said and be able to relate to it, and even repeat what you read. You don't have that basic skill.

SFW, tried it's best to (not to much behind the scences) kill the delisting of wolves for both Montana, and Idaho. There's plenty of proof of this, and has been beat to death on this site. Even if you read it, I doubt you would have understood what went on.

I pray you haven't been able to propagate.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.

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