Anyone else hunt D-8?


Long Time Member
I was camped at the Click's Creek trailhead for 6 days hunting, fishing and camping. 5 of those days were hunting mornings and evenings for deer and bear, and one day was before the opener for a little relaxation and beer drinking. In total, for the six day period, I saw 6 deer. I saw 1 nice 3X3 in Camp Nelson as I was heading for Belknap to fish. Can't shoot that one! I saw 2 bucks cross the road in front of me as I was driving out of my tree stand area AFTER DARK! Can't shoot those! I saw 1 spike buck near my tree stand. Can't shoot him! And, I saw a couple of does and we all know you can't shoot them!

I saw only 1 bear track the entire trip and this complete lack of animals really disgusted me. Did anyone else who hunted this area have the same experience? If so, what the hell is wrong with D-8? Could it have been the fire?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-11 AT 08:22AM (MST)[p]Some squirrel season, or something, opened up a week before your hunt and every Asian from So Cal, with a rifle, entered your zone...... OK....every, non English speaking Asian immigrant, willing to chow down on whatever they can toss into a forty gallon kettle....feathers, feet, fur and guts. All stirred to a steaming culinary repast.... with a boat oar.

They kill everything that walks, squaks, flies, eats lettuce, or casts a shadow. Happens every year lately.

They camp in groups of 20 or more and I am sure no sane LEO is going anywhere near THAT situation!

My question is, how do you pass a hunters safety test, with a hundred questions on it, if you can't speak English?

It is easy to spot where they camped.....there is so much toilet paper laying around, it resembles an area where someone was hunting snow geese and left their decoys out.

These are the same folks, by the way, that believe a bear's gall bladder will make their wanker hard.

".....but by God, I never said a word to a pig!"
>These are the same folks, by
>the way, that believe a
>bear's gall bladder will make
>their wanker hard.

You mean it doesn't?

Damn that guy that sold me one said it would..
A combo of a bear's gall bladder and ground elk antlers work for sure. Make a tea and drink just before bedtime. I actually haven't tried it but kilo and Eel swear by it.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-11 AT 12:22PM (MST)[p]I will tell you, it had been slow slow slow. Over the last few years it has slowed down. More hunters every year. Good luck, the deer have to be there some where just how many I couldn't tell you.

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