Anyone care to explain??


Long Time Member
My first thought was Eel heading out on a turtle hunt...
8459alaskanclydesdale.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
That is clearly Santa Claus in the off season teachin his new sled pullin critters . I had heard rumor that he was sued for discrimination by P.E.T.A. for only using reindeer . Well I guess this picture clears up that rumor . Can't say that I really want that sleigh landing on my roof next year .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-11 AT 08:36AM (MST)[p]That's obviously some idiot. He probably even picked Kentucky to go to the Final Four this year!

I guess anything is possible, but.........I don't want to see how they keep that thing "tame" during the rut!

Must really have to take him to "hand", for 60 days or so.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
If you do some research on the net you find that this moose came to this guy as a orphaned baby and never left, so he put it to work. some times he uses it to haul logs as depicted and he rents out it's services to haul out other moose and elk that hunters killed. All stuff from the internet, so it may or may not be the complete truth.

It was a big bodied 2 point.

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