Anybody Watch Golf Today?

I cannot imagine how you play golf against this guy!

The pressure of simply having him in the same tourney has to be immense. What person, in what other venue, has that ability?
i wached a little bit when he tied-it up I went out and started build another corral I figured that it was pretty much over, Did he win.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Like so many do, O'Hair collapsed like a cheap tent.(shot a 73)

Intimidation is part of the game, and Tiger excells.
"Did he win"

Yeah, i kinda felt bad for O'Hair, the guy was ahead by a good bit for a long time.

Tiger just does what he has to do and that's a lot easier said than done. Don't know that i've ever seen someone so consistently clutch, in any sport, going down to the end with a possible victory in sight.

Guy is amazing. I can't watch golf though. Ten minutes into it I fall asleep. I can't play golf either for that matter. :)

When he gained 4 shots in the first three holes, I knew it was over. Yeah, it took him until the final hole to finish it off but he did it.
When the man is playing, you just come to expect him to win! Even when he isn't on top of his game, he is too good for almost everyone else!
I would imagine watching golf is just like watching NASCAR!
Why waste your time on either?

I hope Lance has a good recovery: BRING ON THE TOUR DE FRANCE!
I watched O'Hairs' facial expression knowing he was going into the 18th tied with Tiger. Pretty funny if you ask me, you could tell he knew he was going to loose.
I didn't see it on TV because I'm in Tasmania, but I followed the last few hole on my computer on I knew that he would sink that 16 foot putt even though I could not see it.
Watched it from hole 1 to 18. Bad hangover was my excuse to sit on my butt all day.
O Hair blew it by putting it in the drink ,i think on 16.After Tigers bad tee shot ,O Hair wanted to put him away for good ,and he payed dearly.
Before the round ,O Hair said he would be competing with Tiger like he would with any other golfer. WRONG!
Couple dozen times anyway, not counting firewood, mushroom, fishing, and quail hunting trips. There's other country i like better but lots of good bucks been taken off that Rim and it's close by...

Sending a PM

Sage, IM gonna make you guess who I am, and in the meantime maybe Ill tell a few lies about you. It wont take you long to guess!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-09 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]I'm afraid you have me at disadvantage here sir. Unless it is some guy who helped me put together my 280AI and then helped to developed some great loads for it lol

I'd be careful of which lies you tell. eh? I have a few of my own :) Nice Blacktail by the way. How'd you come across such a buck? lol

Welcome to Monstermuleys!! have fun with it and be sure to drop in the shooting section from time to time. Your experience in the field and at the reloading bench would be a valuable addition!


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