Anybody seen a grizzly in G area lately?


Active Member
I am headed back to Wyoming archery elk hunting in a day or two. I don’t currently carry bear spray or a handgun because I just think the odds of needing one for bears is so extremely slim it’s not necessary. I am more worried about getting trampled by a moose. Has anyone reading this seen a grizzly in region G area in the last year or two?

It Doesn't Need To Be A Grizzly!

I'd Be Packin Something More Than Just A Stick & String!

When A Bear Get's HUNGRY.....................................!


They Are Always Hungry!

Founder Was Up That Way A Few Years Ago,And If I Remember Right A Bear Worked His Tent Over!

Stay As Safe As You Can!

Chances Might Be Slim But It Happens!
No grizz bears when I scouted for a week. Did get a gruff bark my way while crossing thru deep timber- pulled my 357 just to see a coyote on top of a log with 2 little ones behind her. Never heard a coyote vocalize like that before.

I'm with elk & bnr- ya just never know so I always carry.
Headed out early in the morning. I will have the sidearm next to my pillow in the tent at base camp by the road but haven’t decided yet whether to pack it up the mountain unless we need to go back in to retrieve meat, then I will for sure. It’s just the extra weight and bulk I don’t want to pack around for miles.

I figure I can always hide behind my hunting partner who packs a heavy 44, but not sure if I can outrun him. Ha.

The reason I ask is because I have spent a fair amount of time, hunting southwest Montana over the last ten years, and haven’t seen a grizz, or grizz scat or even a month old grizz track in all that time, hiking well over a hundred miles where they have been known to be. I did pack bear spray then. Yes I know black bears do raid camps at times and I don’t want to surprise any bear at close quarters.
Haven't spent much time in the brush of G this year...but I have seen a Grizz by Darby Mtn a couple years ago and last year I heard of one where I was cutting firewood on Thompson Pass that a gal was photographing ...course both spots were in H but a stone's throw from G....
I always carry a side arm when I'm hunting no matter where I'm hunting.. Even if its a rifle hunt I still motto is better safe than sorry..and always be prepared...
A lot more in H than G, but I carry at least one of my 9's. I have only seen 3-4 in Star Valley around Thane and over in the Strawberry and Willow Creek areas in 20 years. You will find tracks tho. Never seen any in Grey's or Little Grey's, and over the top to LaBarge. Only run into one in Idaho across the Salt River, in the 66A unit since I got to Idaho Falls in 1976.

You mention hunting in the SW Montana area. We camp/fish in the Hebgen/Madison/Island Park area and I can find one every day if I look. Kids and grandkids are never allowed to roam around without an adult. Only place I carry both a gun and spray when hiking, and I keep my slug gun in the vehicle!!
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A lot more in H than G, but I carry at least one of my 9's. I have only seen 3-4 in Star Valley around Thane and over in the Strawberry and Willow Creek areas in 20 years. You will find tracks tho. Never seen any in Grey's or Little Grey's, and over the top to LaBarge. Only run into one in Idaho across the Salt River, in the 66A unit since I got to Idaho Falls in 1976.

You mention hunting in the SW Montana area. We camp/fish in the Hebgen/Madison/Island Park area and I can find one every day if I look. Kids and grandkids are never allowed to roam around without an adult. Only place I carry both a gun and spray when hiking, and I keep my slug gun in the vehicle!!
Hedgen to Island Park……. griz central.

Be smart. You can hit black twenty times in a row, but never bet against a red dropping on you, on the next spin.
I saw a young grizz near Deadman Peak a few years ago. They are expanding their range. I don't usually carry a side arm unless I'm hunting the heart of grizzly country. If you would feel more comfortable packing a hand gun, pack it. I think you are right, it's more likely that a moose will try stomping you, than a grizzly attack. Once you have a dead elk on the ground, you never know what might happen. That's when I've had trouble with grizzly bears. Good luck on your hunt.
Not that anyone cares but I ended up not packing heat on our hunt the last few days on the mountain. I did get nervous for about twenty minutes that a bolt of lightning might have my name on it. I am guessing you are at least twenty times more likely to die from a lightning strike than a grizz attack. (Not saying it couldn’t happen)

Kind of off topic but a rag horn came galloping in from a hundred yards away when I blew the cow call a few times. I thought the thing was going to run right past us at thirty yards and not stop so I whistled and it did stop but not before there was a tree between it and me. My hunting buddy was in better position and was just releasing the arrow when it started moving again. He ended up hitting it thru both hind quarters. I heard it hit and stepped around the the tree and took a forty fiveish yard running shot and managed to hit it low thru one hind and slice the bottom of a little if it’s stomach.

It left a good blood trail and we recovered it within a couple hundred yards right at dark. It was his first archery bull. Yay!!!

Now, breaking down an elk after dark tends to make one a little more nervous and I expected a downpour at any moment but it never happened.

Nothing found the carcass overnight or the next day and it worked out well.

On a side note, the camp a mile or two away said they heard wolves howling up high,but I wasn’t sure if they were BS ing us or not.

Saw a total of four deer in 2.5 days so I believe guys when they say the deer numbers are in the tank, but we weren’t hunting high
Glad You Guys Recovered The Bull!

Just Remember!

You Were Warned About Packing Some Heat!

And As For The Lightning You've Heard Me Say:

Don't Ever Try & Out-Guess Mother Nature!

She'll Kick Your Butt Nearly Every Time!

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