Anybody going to Safari Club in Reno?


Long Time Member
I was just wondering if anyone was going to go to the Safari Club show in Reno on the 19th-23rd? I will be in the Vortex booth and would love to meet some of you. I know eelgrass and HunterHarry are regulars. I think I remember Kilowatt even saying he goes too. Stop by and say hello.

It's always an adventure!!!
I will be going for the first time this year. I convinced the wife that we needed to get away for a few days. I have always heard it was worth the time so I will see. I will stop by and say hello,

Jim, I've never been to any of those shows. I keep hearing how good they are and would like to attend some time. HH sometimes posts some great photos.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I have never been to one either in Reno, that same weekend I usually go to Sacramento to the ISE at the CAL-EXPO Bldg. with a friend. The SAC show is from Jan.21-24th this year.

I usually go to SCI but not this year. I will be manning a booth at Sacramento ISE, Denver ISE, SFW, and a bunch of other shows around the country.
Planning on being there Friday and Saturday, if I can cut loose from work and drive down from Idaho. My stuff from Zimbabwe should ship this week, and if I have any money left, I'd like to go get a bunch of pics for taxidermy ideas. Need to check in with an outfitter I have booked a 2010 hunt with also. Hoping for nice driving weather.
Deadibob, what booth will you be at??? I tentatively plan on attending the Denver show and will stop by and say hello.

wildsage, I'm not sure of the booth # I believe it's in the 400 aisle up closer to the front. It'll be the Little Sportsman booth. Stop by and say hello.
Is that the same name you are under in Sacramento, by any chance you know what number and section since there are 4 buildings both up and down stairs.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-10 AT 10:58PM (MST)[p]Brian, Without digging out my paperwork all I recall at Sacramento is that I'm in one of the 2 upper hunting pavilions. I believe the South one. I'll have to dig up my booth #'s later and yes it's under the same name.

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