Anybody Else???


Long Time Member
My daughter drew Wyoming Unit 50 speed goat and I got the tag in the mail a week or 2 ago. Today I get a letter with a $10 check and a letter that said she was unsuccessful. What's up with that? Anybody else have this happen. I am assuming that if I have a tag in hand they can't take that away but it makes me a little nervous.

It's always an adventure!!!
That is the refund for the preference point. Youth preference points cost $10. She drew a tag so she was unsuccessful obtaining a preference point. Now you can get 3 gallons of fuel which should take you to Deer Creek. What a deal.


That $10 check is a good thing! She got the tag and unsuccessful in the point. My daughter got one too! Ha!;-)
The question is addressed in your non-Res. Regs. on pg. 34. Kinda muddy to me, though.
By my read, if one is successful on a First Choice, then they get the license and may NOT get a Point for the year. Hence the ready $10 refund in your case. All other application combinations or results allow for point being awarded, or point purchase being allowed.

Along the same line, mention of Point consumption or attainability is omitted concerning Leftover and Issue-After licensing.
Seems one doesn't have any restriction or risk associated with their point(s) during these periods, but a few printed words could nail that down.

Seems like a lot of strange things with this year's antelope draw. I drew my 2nd choice (86, type 1). When I looked at the draw odds it listed 9 people who chose this as their first choice. The quota showed zero tags. How did I jump in front of 9 other people???
That sounds messy...
My guess is you went Special with a point in your pocket. Even for Second Choice, that put you ahead of anyone that had no point or went Regular. Quota breakdown may have favored your "input" over the rest.
Darn good draw, anyway!--Good Luck
Rump, I think you are correct. At least that's the way I read it.

"The question is addressed in your non-Res. Regs. on pg. 34. Kinda muddy to me, though.
By my read, if one is successful on a First Choice, then they get the license and may NOT get a Point for the year. Hence the ready $10 refund in your case. All other application combinations or results allow for point being awarded, or point purchase being allowed."

Otherwise they would not send you a refund check for your submitted point.

Just for the hell of it, I tried to but a deer point last year after drawing a first choice deer tag. No dice, you can not buy a point after drawing a first choice.

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