Any you fellas had to go back to court to fix divorce crap??


Long Time Member
First off I'm not lookin for a damn pitty party so please spare me the "sorry that sucks man" stuff...I just want good info if you have any that can help me. I'm a big boy, made my own decisions, and married a ho and divorced the b***h!!

A lot of circumstances have changed since our original divorce decree though (I'M GETTING SCREWED OVER BAD) and several things are subject to changes including child support amounts, she collects state assistance for daycare when he doesn't go to daycare, visitation schedule, insurance coverage, both of our incomes are different than then, ect....Anyways I need to go back to court on these things so I can get my son more (possibly full custody) and at least get it all squared away and updated to current circumstances. I do realize Utah is a terrible state for the father and they favor the mother damn near always but have heard of stories where dads get treated fairly also.

First how expensive is this frickin process and how many court dates am I going to have to have?? Is it more simple than I imagine in my mind?? Anyone know a lawyer in SLC with good experience in this department that wont absolutely rape my bank account?? I'm not looking forward to it but it seriously must be done to simplify things...

I have not gone down this road myself but two of my coworkers have. One has spent thousands and got 50% of what he wanted but gave up a bunch of stuff that she was wanting that was never mentioned until he pushed the issue. Bottom line he is now worse off and thousands less in the bank account. Second one, is about 15 months into the second battle, it is not resolved and he thinks it will be thousands more to resolve. He wishes he would have not gone down that road. He told me that the only way the mom loses in Utah is if she is an unfit mother. Good luck proving that unless she is a convicted felon and then it is still not a for sure deal. Good luck.

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