any UTARDS missing the Beach?



LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-08 AT 07:27PM (MST)[p]
All starts saturday only 45 min from home! Wave's ARE EVEN BIGGER THIS YEAR......."hanging eight"(long story)
Gotta love California....
Urrrp! Been there done that. Windy day on the south end of the Great Salt Lake.

You ought to see the sharks you have to dodge ... suckers are 20' long.

You're just angry because your marriage license still ain't valid.

Those are right out of HMB right? I have been wanting to take the boat down there and try some fishing..

He hasn't been riding any waves at Maverick, but FLEH sure is leaving his mark on the bird life in California! Guy actually shoots pretty well for someone from Utah! :D
Sweet, I like surfing even though I've never been. Anyone ever seen the movie called "Riding Giants"? It's a surfing documentary. Awesome flick. In that movie they tell the story of a guy I think his name is Jeff Clark, he was the first one to surf Mavericks. He surfed there by himself for 15 years because all his surfing buddies and everyone else were scared. Now look at the place, its a zoo.
half of my left foot!!
forklift accident!!(in 87)
Jeff surf both side of the board (ambidexturous) and I think was the only one in the world who was and surf and pioneered big wave surfing! he has a surf shop and his own board mfg biz!

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