Any Rifle Antelope Hitting The Ground?


Very Active Member
Our hunt opened yesterday in unit 73. We are going to miss the crowds and head out the first week in October. Anyone been out yet? Any luck? Post up some pictures to help the time go by faster. Doesn't have to be 73, anywhere around Casper will work!
I'm in antelope unit 73 scouting for deer right now. I'll pm you some info when we head out. I've seem several antelope hunters and plenty of goats.
I will be out there at the end of September, how is it getting around out there with all the moisture they just had?

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
I was archery deer hunting out there last weekend. Saw some nice goats. One in particular was over 80. I was guessing 81/82. Wish I had a 73 tag...
We arrived on Friday the 13th for the 15th opener.. This was the 3rd time I've hunted 73. Four years ago the area we hunted was full of good bucks and huge numbers of goats. I took a nice buck that just missed the book. Last year antelope numbers seemed way down and buck quality was poor. I didn't think it would be much different this year but numbers were down even futher (at least in our hunting location). We had 4-5 good waterholes in our area and all were bone dry this year. To find some antelope We had to search and explore new areas within the unit and ended up finding some decent concentrations of animals. Weather on Sunday morning was horrible but by afternoon we finally began to take some goats. My daughter only had Sunday to hunt and had a bad shooting day missing a few bucks. My son took a nice buck Sunday afternoon. Hunting was tough and after a number of stalks I took a 3 year old buck Monday along with a doe later in the day filling all my tags. I saw 3-4 quality bucks but wasn't able to get on them. You should do just fine but it may take some work. Here's my buck...

Nice buck and thanks for sharing. Have any pictures of the buck you got 4 years ago?

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-13 AT 01:28PM (MST)[p]>We arrived on Friday the 13th
>for the 15th opener..
>This was the 3rd time
>I've hunted 73. Four
>years ago the area we
>hunted was full of good
>bucks and huge numbers of
>goats. I took a
>nice buck that just missed
>the book. Last year
>antelope numbers seemed way down
>and buck quality was poor.
> I didn't think it
>would be much different this
>year but numbers were down
>even futher (at least in
>our hunting location). We
>had 4-5 good waterholes in
>our area and all were
>bone dry this year. To
>find some antelope We had
>to search and explore new
>areas within the unit and
>ended up finding some decent
>concentrations of animals. Weather
>on Sunday morning was horrible
>but by afternoon we finally
>began to take some goats.
> My daughter only had
>Sunday to hunt and had
>a bad shooting day missing
>a few bucks. My son
>took a nice buck Sunday
>afternoon. Hunting was tough and
>after a number of stalks
>I took a 3 year
>old buck Monday along with
>a doe later in the
>day filling all my tags.
> I saw 3-4 quality
>bucks but wasn't able to
>get on them. You
>should do just fine but
>it may take some work.
> Here's my buck...
Thanks for sharing, sounds like you had a good hunt considering your time constraints. We will have a week to hunt so I am optimistic we will find some good goats to stalk. One of my fears for going later was the possibility of rain and dealing with snotty roads. It sounds like a wet opener so maybe we will get lucky and dodge the rain. Thanks again for your picture and story, Jim By the way, what happened to his hide? Is that from taking a tumble or do you see goats missing fur like that?
Nice goat and thanks for sharing Brian. Just out of curiosity, what does a goat like that score?

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
It is mounted and right behind me so might give it a score later and see what it is now. Back after I got it and field scored it I think it was mid 70's but that was 4 years ago.
Will let you know later.


Thanks for posting, that mount looks great. I'm getting really excited to get out there. even if the numbers are down I never saw them when they were up so it doesn't really make a difference for me.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson

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