Any Region B or D bucks this year ?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 12:59PM (MST)[p]Anyone have any pictures of bucks from this year in these areas ?

I did not hunt this year But have hunted both of these areas in the past and always liked the area.

I always enjoy the photos
We hunt both areas. Things were pretty tough this year. We got some solid bucks off of the private ranches, but from all I heard, the public lands were tough.

But it may not matter much becuase for 2013, much to most of the deer hunting in region D will be limited quota. No details on seasons or quotas yet, but 5 of the deer areas in the upper North Platte will be limited quota.

Region B was hard hit by the drought. And it was very hot and dry in early October, so hunting was tough. Some good bucks were taken, but I would say it was below average.

Pray for a mild, open winter and a cool wet spring. That would help the critters and the land "heal" from a tough year. I will say that the last 45 days have been kind to the wildlife. Had decent moistrue in October and much warmer than average temps in November. Changes are coming, but it was a good break for the animals. They are in far better shape than they were in mid October.
Thanks for the info.
The gamewarden out of New Castle told me about the same for the public land in that area.
I had not heard about the change to region D.

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