
Long Time Member
I've got a few 10.00 off Entrance Fee Coupons I'm gonna offer to NON-RES Guys that might be going to the EXPO!

First Replies,First Served!

Only got a few so I don't want somebody gettin mad when I run out!

How bout it Zim? (That ought to get me a Reply!:D)

Ziggy? (You're gonna need one!)

Can't forget TOPGUN!:D

Can't offer Abe one anymore,He's a TARD now,besides,his Chick is the Coupon Queen!:D

Anyway,you outa-towners give me a Holler!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
The lack of responses for the coupon is not odd at all.

Only about 200 non-residents travel into UT to attend this show.

Look at the non-res sheep lottery held there. Any non-res will toss $5 in the hat for that so there is the "gross" number. Now subtract out the non-res who are only there because are an exhibitor and subtract our persons living in UT but are non-residents (Idaho kids at BYU, etc) and is obvious this show is a boondoggle for residents of UT. This show is not now nor has it ever been a magnet to attract non-res to UT for a few days.

"Can't forget TOPGUN!"

You better not foget me, hehe! Please refer to post #3 and you can give mine to Robiland!!
"Only about 200 non-residents travel into UT to attend this show"

Absolutely, 100% not true! I'll be glad to make a wager!
How much in the show going to gouge a person with NO Coupon???

LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-13 AT 05:59PM (MST)[p]I will take em if you have any left. Wife and I will be there.
Check Your PM Boxes Boys!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
>The lack of responses for the
>coupon is not odd at
>Only about 200 non-residents travel into
>UT to attend this show.
>Look at the non-res sheep lottery
>held there. Any non-res will
>toss $5 in the hat
>for that so there is
>the "gross" number. Now subtract
>out the non-res who are
>only there because are an
>exhibitor and subtract our persons
>living in UT but are
>non-residents (Idaho kids at BYU,
>etc) and is obvious this
>show is a boondoggle for
>residents of UT. This show
>is not now nor has
>it ever been a magnet
>to attract non-res to UT
>for a few days.

Well Outdoors!

I never claimed it to be a BIG Non-Res Activity!

Nor am I trying to get more NON-RES people through the Door!

It's gonna be Pricey just for Non-Residents to get to Utah!

Just thought I'd try & save them 10.00-20.00 which ain't much in todays World!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
Will be down to hook up with Predator, and see some others. Hopefully she will get me a ticket, or I'd take an extra if you have one.

Had a great time in Reno at SCI, and got to see quite a few friends. Coming down to SLC for the EXPO lets me see nice deer, elk, sheep that aren't all high-fenced and steroided out (like at SCI).

That $5 desert sheep tag helps draw me in too, but I believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, and PowerBall also! :) With 16 deer points, one of these days I'll see a Utah deer tag too.
sorry bess slammy raped me in November for that specialty elk hunt. Then qtpie bankrupted me in Reno and I still have the RMEF banquet coming up in Vegas. No way I will be heading to Utah for some so called "LE" pumpkin patch hunting anytime soon. feel free to fly with me to Botswana this year and hunt an elephant if your old bones are up to it.
>"Only about 200 non-residents travel into
>UT to attend this show"
>Absolutely, 100% not true! I'll
>be glad to make a

How in tarnation can you nose count more than 200? How many booths are there with non res staffing from AK and CO and WY etc etc? Those exhibitor guys put in for non res sheep tags. Exhibitors buy 100s of the less than 1000 non res desert sheep entries. Non-resident students at local colleges are not staying in hotels eating fine food on State St. Expo is a nice little show for the locals and exhibitors. Those student will drive 30 minutes to try for a sheep tag.

The Expo is not a magnet pulling in non res attendees.

So are you figuring more than 1000? Wonder why a guy flies to SLC but does not care to drop $5 on a non res sheep tag chance? Doubtful. Is it a success if 250 or 500? Very low number and the Expo knows it. Why else launch the non res only tags?

Local shows are nice. Probably overshot the runway to including Western in the name.
Come on stinkbug!

I can save you two 20.00!:D

Just RAZZIN YA stinkbug,but how many Bullets you takin for an Elephant?:D:D:D

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
My daughter and I would like one if you still have some... thanks in advance...and if you need back-up..I'll be there..HEHEHE
OK Guys!

COUPONS are perty much gone!

You Guys that responded/replied above will need to PM me your address!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
>Geeze Bessy...
>If you keep this up, some
>of these NR's might actually
>start liking Utah!

What's not to like about Utah?
We have some screwwwed up things but we got a few things right .....just like about everywhere in the ole USA!

Oh, and the people ain't half bad once you get to know us. Even topgun and I are friends even though we don't see eye-to-eye on everything.

Remember: we're all crazy NR's somewhere we hunt!

Thanks elkassassin, but I'm busy that week. Please shoot my tickets over to Corey Rossi. He could probably use them.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
"What's not to like about Utah"

Not very many things! Maybe the drivers on the Wasatch Front!

I love living in Utah and haven't found a better place!
Mr woodruffhunter, so true!
I just spent a week among the San Fransisco drivers and I must say they were not TOO bad and exactly like the "Front" drivers. Everyone seemed to mind there manners on the road and for that I was thankful.

I'd still rather drive through....say..... Loa, Upalco, Oak City, Antimony or someplace like that! (It also means I'm hunting something)

Shitstomper, I'm disappointed! You were in Reno and you didn't let me know? Me and QTP could have put on an exhibition cage fight or something.
"No way I will be heading to Utah for some so called "LE" pumpkin patch hunting anytime soon"

Oh come on Tony, you were not going hunting Africa "ever again"! Now, you have all these trips planned and you are too good hunt Utah with Bessy????

They have banned hunting in Botswana anyway. Looks like the date is a few weeks before your hunt. Looks like you may have to hunt our miserable state!




PM Me your addresses!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!

Me and my two sons in law are headed to the big event. We come about every 2-3 years. If anybody can help us out, either shoot me a PM or a post.

Not sure why many people whine about the Expo. I have always had a great time, and seen cool stuff.

Just order good roads and we'll be there Friday the 22nd.
>Me and my two sons in
>law are headed to the
>big event. We come
>about every 2-3 years.
>If anybody can help us
>out, either shoot me a
>PM or a post.
>Not sure why many people whine
>about the Expo. I
>have always had a great
>time, and seen cool stuff.
>Just order good roads and we'll
>be there Friday the 22nd.

Obama. Expo. Socialism is core of both.

Hard to like or dislike one without feeling the same about the other. How many tags are enough to take from the public draw and subsidize a failing expo that draws mostly Utah people for a daytrip? First was 200. Then 205. The answer is the Expo will always need more just like D.C. needs just a bit more from us to redistribute in a "fair" way.
Punk and Mrs Punk will be there on Saturday from Idaho and we're on a tight budget! ;-)


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