Any Monster Muleys using At&T for your cell service?


Active Member
If so, how is your coverage once you get out of town? Does you OnX app work ok Offline? Any thoughts on Patriot Mobile or Pure Talk cell services?
Patriot mobile and pure talk are resellers. I think they're using Verizon towers just be careful with the resellers sometimes they don't have all the same roaming agreements Nationwide.
I have AT&T but I’m in the East. Verizon, AT&T and T-mobile are about the same here. But I understand in the West it could be different.

I would ask your neighbors and co-workers what they are using.

I agree on the resellers or “regional carriers”. May not know what you are getting.

With AT&T I get free Mexico and Canada. With 200 other countries I get International day pass. $10 per day for 1st phone and $5 per day for additional phones.

You can trade phones in with AT&T . I can trade in my four year old Samsung S20 and they will give me $800 towards a new phone. But the other carriers also usually have deals on new phones and international roaming.

With that said the most important thing is if the phone is going to work where you need it to.
I have AT&T. Coverage is hit and miss but better than Verizon or T-Mobile

OnX app works but is often incorrect on boundaries in certain areas I hunt.
I have att and recently the service has gotten horrible. There was talk in the community that there was a tower out. So i called and the customer service rep checked my zip code and said everything was working on their end. I am going to try tmobile whenever i can get all of my family together to go switch out the sim cards...
I live in central Utah and service for ATT changes by the mile, from Juab to Kane County and from Millard to Grand County. Verizon has consistently had the better coverage throughout central Utah, but i personally do not believe one service is that much better than the other, too many hills and valleys for any of the carriers to cover. I do know up on the mountain in some areas ATT service has gotten better over the last couple of years, especially up Fishlake.
I was talking to a guy that had some knowledge about the band waves that cell service runs off of. He said when the cell phone providers switched to 5G they went to a tighter band wave, so areas that does not have the 5G updates with the towers, they have more disruptions in service.
Patriot Mobile runs off of ATT towers so service is no different than ATT. my brother has P.M and his service seems to be the same as mine.
As far as in western states Verizon used to be the best I think all around but now there are spots that T mobile and ATT works great but Verizon does not. NM Last year in the Gila, 16D, Verizon was terrible but T mobile was working great. One of each is the solution, lol.
I think its terrible. When I had verizon, I could get texts out of alot of the canyons I was hunting. Now Im lucky to get them out on top of ridges.
I do. Coverage depends on where you are, but I have never had a problem using OnX when I have already downloaded the maps for the area I will be in.
Same here. I live in the east but have used Onx in various parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, and Wyoming. No issues if the maps are downloaded.
I've had Verizon for probably 20 years because it's had the best service in areas I normally hunt. Now that I use Zoleo I can touch base with my wife easy with a text message no matter where I am so seriously considering saving my money annually and going with PM or pure talk. Hadn't put the trade in $ into my thought process yet. Need to learn more. Verizon supports causes that I DON'T.

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