Any MM Grand Slammers ?



Just curious if there are any hunters with grand slams on the board. I have an Arizona desert ram and a Yukon Stone ram, the hardest 2 at least are out of the way. I have been applying in my homestate of Colorado for 20 years and no luck. Applying for sheep in all states except Wyoming and California. Would love to see some pictures and hear some stories.
Aight here is my first ram taken in WA in 1995.

And finally my New Mexico desert taken in 2002.


Grand Slam #1052

Bighorn $90
Stone $12500
Dall $7000
Desert $20

Total $19610 over 8 years equals $204 per month. LOL.
unreal!! You my friend, are the definition of lucky! You sure had the foresight to go ahead and do the Stone and Dall before they became "unattainable" to the regular hunter.. I wish I had do that.. Now, I just one of the nameless thousands who are just another number in the bucket trying to pull one of those tags!
$90 for a bighorn what a deal. I went through $1,000 worth of gasoline scouting and hunting for mine last year.
Wow, Glen, you didn't just graduate into the Grand Slam club, I'd say you made the Dean's list. You might have been the 1,052nd slam but I'd bet you're in the top 50 for combined scores. Nice rams and pictures.
Ramslam, congrats , that is truely awesome! At $204 a month I could afford that , where do I sign? Well the 12k may be a bit hard to front , if only there was a payment plan eh lol..
Again congrats and great rams , thanks for sharing , how about some mount pictures????
Congrats on some great rams! A $20 Desert Ram....were you the lucky raffle winner? I've been applying for sheep here in NM for years....don't think I'll ever draw though.
awesome NM ram!

how long have u wait before u shot him? is that desert bighorn down in SW?

my dad have applied forever, and decided not to apply no more! he's 61, said hope someday me or my brother or my kids ll ever have chance to kill one!

i have applied every year since i passed my hunter safety class.....still hope to draw someday!


Sorry for the delay in responding to questions but I have been out of town. My desert was taken on the 2002 NM raffle permit. The $20 cost was just for the one ticket that I purchased and not the total cost of the hunt. My cousin and I made the 28 hr. drive down in July that year to scout, then I flew down and scouted for a week later in August. We found that ram two days before the season opened and I took him on the second day.

Thanks for the comments everyone. I have been very, very lucky in obtaining permits and with trophy quality. I would love to upgrade my stone as it is the only one that is not in the book. When you look at the list of book slammers you find either old timers or guys with lots of funds; if I could ever stone hunt again and achieve that goal I would do so on behalf of all us "regular" sheep nuts.

I will post a pic later of the four in my trophy room.
dad needs a stone and a dall, and my best friends dad needs a dall, he's gone on 1 dall trip but got snowed in. I myself am still trying for my first rocky, i'm 15 and i've already gon on 3 trips with no succes. Anybody wanna give me any advice! Other than keep trying! :7
ramslam -
I know I've already said this once here to you, but it is worth saying again.........YOU SUCK.........oh, ooops, that's not it........CONGRATULATIONS!!!
That is awesome, you are the envy many, me included! :)

LOL...thanks (I guess).

I have been lucky thats for sure. I can't believe its been over four years since I hunted in NM. I gotta pull another tag!!!!
Hey Ramslam,
If I were guessing, I'd say, from the picture, your Stone is very good and perhaps close to book. Was the other side messed up or what. That's a very heavy Stone!
Great slam!
I doubt I will ever be there, but I will keep trying. It's all about the $ anymore.
Ahh so my Stone fooled you too? Yes the other side is shorter which I knew when I killed him. My guide and I grossly over estimated his bases I think in part because of a slight twist in the horn which made him look very heavy. I have actually never scored him but would guess he is only 150--maybe.

Good pictures can make average animals appear great--ie stick a skinny guy at arms lenghth from the head and I can make any average animals look book!
Ramslam, your story in Eastman's is one of the things that got me started saving and applying. I am going after my Dall this summer. I chose NWT because I wanted a Mountain Caribou and so I saved a little more money and maybe I will kill two birds with one stone. I am already looking at Stone hunts and talking to outfitters about payment plans or trying to decide if I save my money and get ready and wait on a cancelation to pop up somewhere. Then I follow your advice and apply in all western states I can afford and buy a few raffle tickets here and there. If and when I get to 3/4 status I will sell the house or empty the retirment account and go after the last one, then work until I die a happy sheep hunter. I do believe I will draw a tag one of these days somewhere, you got to believe. Anyways I re-read your story often, Thanks for giving us average guys hope!!!
Thanks. Good luck on your NWT dall. I would love to go up there as I just love those twisters they raise up there. Who are you hunting with?

Yes, unit 27 but probably less than 8 miles from the suburbs of Rodeo.
I have never personally killed a sheep but I did help 2 guys complete their slam with their desert sheep in Sonora. I will post pics later

ramslam....those are some great looking rams...i personaly
love the big horn, if you don't mind me asking, what did he score?...



1983 Alaska Dall sheep
1994 Wyoming Rocky Mountain Bighorn
1995 BC Stone sheep
2006 Mexican Desert Bighorn
Congratulations Jack!
Mighty fine SLAM. It was a long time coming, and I will bet that last sheep set you back plenty of bucks! I doubt I will ever make it,(I only have a Rocky) but it has always been a dream.

Great to see your post! If you remember, you gave my wife and me a ride from the motel to the Bradford's house just before your Stone hunt. I down to needing a Rocky to complete my slam. Are you still in China?
That was a while ago in Dease Lake, even though the hunt seems like it was taken yesterday. I seem to remember you and your wife were goat hunting. It sure was a good time with the Bradfords and crew. Good luck on getting your Rocky and yes I am still reading MM from China.
Hi! New to this forum but I've been lurking for a couple of years. Sheep hunting is definitely my passion.

On a sad note, I just noticed in the GOABC publication, BC Hunter, that Sherry Bradford has passed away. Don't know details but she seemed too young.


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