any last tips or advice


Active Member
2 weeks till my 1st antelope hunt I've waited six years and am really excited to go and have had some good help from others on this site just wondering if anyone has any last minute tips or advice. Its a rifle hunt in utah any suggestions would help thanks. Hopefully I will score on a good one and be able to post some pics.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-11 AT 06:16AM (MST)[p]Antelope hunting, at least here in Wyoming, is one of the most quality, enjoyable hunts there is. It is very underrated. A whole lot of country to look at, and very few hunters. Sometimes I don't see "anyone" else. A lot of bad things said about road hunting, but with antelope, unless you have one spotted and you can sit somewhere and wait to ambush him, pretty much comes down to covering lots of miles on the back roads. My advice is "every" time you come to a little rise, or a drop off where you can't see, do not just drive up over it to see what is there. Stop, and slowly sneak up over it. Look everything over with your binoculars. Sometimes antelope glow at you from miles away, and other times, especially when they're bedded can be very hard to spot. It gets to be a pain to get in and out of the truck so many times, but as soon as you don't, you will bust a good one out. When you find a good vantage point, stop and take the time to look the miles over with your spotting scope. Antelope are very territorial, so if you bust a really good one out of an area that he is used to, just give him a day or two and he will be right back in that same area. Unless you're really sure a buck is good, don't shoot too fast. Just take your time, and enjoy your hunt. As you know, tags don't come in the mail every year. Good luck!
Like has been said. Relax and have fun. Antelope is an enjoyable hunt with a lot less pressure. I will be taking two of my 16 year old boys to Wyoming next weekend for an antelope hunt, I beleive this will be their fourth antelope hunt and is always a fun one.

I also have a tag in Colorado unit #3/301 the first of october and will go out a few days early and spend a few days scouting and hopefully know the general area of a few of the better bucks for opener morning.

I always enjoy the pre scouting and it makes the hunt. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thats great advise for sure. They can spot a movement from a mile away and they are off and running the other direction for miles. Take your time on stocks also, i always had the luck of spending an hour or 2 stock to get to my vantage point finding them feedng away at 1000 yrds urrggh. Practice long shots 400-500 yrds comfortably. Awsome hunt none the less. I put 800 miles of dirt roads last month on the truck. Good Luck and enjoy
thanks guys great advice i cant wait only 12 more days before i leave and the days at work suck cuz all i think about is going and i know it will get worse before i actually leave. i plan on scouting a couple days ahead of time and then hunt dark to dark till my hunts over thanks again.
If your belly crawling to get close watch for catus, snakes, ticks, spiders, and Roy. Have fun and lets hear your story.

Which brings up one other important piece of advice I failed to mention. Take a good pair of comfortable leather gloves, and if you can stand to wear them, some knee protectors. The soft ones that wrestlers use work well.

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