Any Judges on here? Need some advice


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-07 AT 07:00AM (MST)[p]

If there is I am going through some ex wife child issues and need some advice.
What's the problem? I'm not a Judge, but I've had about every x-wife-child issue there is to be had. I pretty much live in a court room. I have custody of my son and my x is always trying to trump up a way to get him back. I'll bet there are more than a few guys on here with some experience in x wives.
Amen Brother! I too have gone through hell. What kind of advice are you looking for? I have had enough hours inside of a courtroom to earn a degree in law. Hopefully we can help you out here.
Remember, what you post on the internet can and will be used against you, so if discretion is necessary a PM might be more appropriate.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-07 AT 11:51AM (MST)[p]Been there, done that. Good luck to'll need it.

I wouldn't wish that crap on anybody. You never truly know a woman until you meet her in divorce court.
I'm in, been through it, whatcha need?

Stay calm, focus on the kids, and their needs and dont let the x get under your skin - stay focused. . .
Divorce is an old Indian word for "I don't like you anymore." I told my x that, she got mad, I was happy.
In all seriousness try to treat it like a business decision and if you can leave the emotions out of it, it's better. I know that's sort of impossible though. Think of the children but fight for what you want.

Also, keep your nose clean. Don't give her anything to use against you.
IM me or email me. I would gladly tell you wht I got and if i havea chance to get my kids. This woman is nuts!! Lying and bribing my kids

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