Any interest in a DIY slam?


Very Active Member
I am curious who out there would be interested in a DIY slam? Or, in other words, a poor mans slam, working mans slam, blue color slam - something attainable for the average guy willing to work hard.

All hunts must be DIY, fair chase, (no fences), no guides and no outfitters.

What species would you include?

Note I also have a post about this on bowsite, if you want to read the comments there here is the link:
Elk, pronghorn, mule deer or whitetail deer, and turkey. Anyone out West should be able to attempt this OTC with a roadtrip or two along with in-state hunts.
We all have different priorities for sure. My buddies passion is Mule Deer, mine is Africa. I have plenty of stuff from NA and wanted the NA 29 until I went to the dark continent. After having gone there, it is what consumes my thoughts and nothing in NA matters as much to me anymore.
littlejoe hit the nail on the head.

We should remember that "different strokes for different folks" should be our hunting motto.

For some it might be a 200" mule deer, while others think a 180" whitetail is the "Holy grail", while others yet think that "black death" hunt is the pinnacle.

The "slam" hunts are just another game that hunters play which turn into a measuring stick. Some guys get dissappointed and some guys get to brag and it becomes more of a bragging goal than a love for the hunt.

If you set up this "slam" will there be a size limit? ...a time limit? ...public v private? draw v over-the-counter? Remember that we all hate cheaters and my though is that any "slam" can promote cheating for the sake of glory. Isn't that why some of you guys look down your noses at guided or LE draw hunts? You think they're somehow cheating?

There's just my little rant for the morning. Carry on.
I fully intend to participate in my own slam next year. It will be made up of whatever tags I manage to draw. I intend to fill all the tags DIY, and have a really good time in the process. This is my interpretation of the poor man's slam.
Zeke GREAT points, most I had thought of some I had not (and I have been thinking about this for a looong time)!

NO size limit, females count for sure. Time limit also a big no, this will take a looong time to accomplish the way I inted (blue collar working guy slowly saving and doing a hunt every other year or so). Draw tags vs OTC vs. private - great point. After a lot of debate all count. For some species drawing a tag is required.

I will always believe that drawing a great rifle LE tag and taking a 330 bull is no where near the accomplishment of a 290 OTC bull (most times). However all would be open as long as they were diy. I know guys draw in Utah (for example) and have 10 guys there helping them. Not the same at the guy from Vermont who drives out alone and hits it hard having neer even been in the state before - but all will count. The Utah guy may travel East to hunt whitetails or to AK for bou - new to him.

Here is my current list, still needs a little tweaking:

1. Whitetail deer 2. Blacktail deer 3. Mule deer 4. ONE of: Sheep(any species)/mountain goat/barbary/ibex/oryx/bison/muskox/mountain lion 5. Caribou 6. Elk 7. Moose 8. Antelope 9. Bear 10. What hear? Turkey? Javelina? Hogs? Wolf? Gator? Anyone one of these

No doubt guys would cheat, get macho attitudes etc, this can and will happen/ My idea is geared towards a goal for the DIY guy and a "target" to shoot for and a way to see how others have faired.

I curerntly have friend who lived in Ohio until recently that has all above except with stickbow - GREAT hunter!

A favorite book of mine is "The versatile trophy hunter" I met the author in Walmart in WY a few years ago. The books is great but I really really like the title. Many guys do great every year on elk, or mule deer (or both) by hunting the same species/area each year (like I do with whitetails). Doing good at this every year is usually just some scouting and repeating what you have done in past years. Going to a whole new state you have never seen, learning a whole new set of reg's, hunting an entirely new type of terrain and an entirely new species - ever year, and being successful is a completely different ballgame IMO.

I know a local guy in Ohio who no one knows, I have known him around 10 years and he has drawn about 5-6 good elk tags out west (not the best but good). He is around 60 and he has filled every tag with 330-360 bulls, DIY, with bow. IMO he is one of the best elk hunters there is. Almost every time was a new area he has never been in.
I think the list has to be personal for each person. For me it is all I can afford in cash and time. That will vary for each person. Throw in all the lucky draws for different stuff you can get as a bonus...
EF I was like that but in a way that kinda means you hit your goal no matter how you do? I have now started to set goals like a new species each year, 1/2 with bow. Just my 2 cents.
I had never dreamed of slams before until I had an opportunity to do a trade for an ocellated turkey hunt. After I got my bird I began dreaming of a world slam. I got the Rio, Merriam's, Ocellated and though I killed 2 nice Gould's, the outfitter stole or lost my skins. So I just need to get the Eastern and Osceola, and draw an AZ Gould's.

In 2006 I drew a Tule Elk tag and got a nice B&C 8x8,so now I dream of a B&C Elk slam. I might get lucky and draw a quality Rocky Elk tag that could produce a B&C but I think a B&C Roosevelt is a tall order; CA Del Norte Bull tag with less than max points ?
I am the same way the more nwe things I take the more I want to set goals and go for the most I can. This is what started me thinking about the DIY slam.

My big question is what do you guys think about my list, what would you change?????????

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