Any Guitar Players?


Very Active Member
My wife got me a sweet guitar for Christmas. Any suggestions on manuels, videos, etc to get started? I've wanted to learn since I was a kid but never had a chance to do it. My buddy's Dad brought his guitar on a NV elk hunt this year and played it after dinner each night. It sure made for a good time. Merry Christmas to you all!!!

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
put " Free online guitar lessons " in youre address bar and pick one of a couple hundred .Guitar center also has how to videos of youre favorite bands .They are pretty cool to use .
esteban :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
mlycrzy- That is so wierd that you make a post like this. My 9 year old daughter has wanted a guitar for the past couple of years so we finally bought her a "good" guitar. I will go check on guitar lessons on monday and I really considered taking them with her. The guitar we got her is an acoustic Fender Starcaster and it came with a DVD that I'll probably watch tomorrow. I will also try the online deal as well. I can't sing whorth a sh!t but I think it would be fun to be able to play. I used to be able to read music in Jr. High but haven't looked at music since then. I'd like to bounce some stuff off of you and you me if you think it will help out.

Well after 1 hour I can finally play "Mary had a little lamb"! :) Thanks for the tips!

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
you should have alot of fun, but if you really wanna learn fast get the roy clark hand book......
I found that the best way to learn for me was to learn songs that I liked to listen to. Go to youtube and search songs you like, then add "how to play", or "chords" and you will find some good instruction.

Once you learn all the basic chords, it is easy to pick up new songs. I learn by hearing and playing, not reading, but everyone is different.

good luck and enjoy a fun new hobby!

OK, this is one funny coincidence. My son has always talked about how he'd like to have a guitar so this year we bought him one for Christmas. My wife had told me that's what she wanted to do and I said that was a great idea. I have also always wanted to play guitar but have never had one and I thought maybe if he got one I could learn a little on his and decide if I maybe I should get one of my own. So yesterday morning we surprised him with the guitar and he and my son-in-law, who does play some, started making plans to take lessons etc. After all the gift opening was over my son-in-law went out side for something. I didn't think a thing of it. Pretty soon he snuck back in behind me and handed me a second guitat. My wife and daughter and son-in-laaw had worked out this grand scheme to surprise me. And believe me, I was surprised.

I really have no experience with musical instruments but I have always thoght it would be kind of fun to learn. So this post is hilariously close to home. I read it to my wife and she got a good laugh.

BTW, mine is an acoustic also.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-08 AT 02:26PM (MST)[p]The DVD that came with my daughters acoustic guitar is of a guy expaining chords on an electic guitar. Would these chords be the same on an acoustic guitar? I'm not sure. Kind of a funny coincidence how so many have the interest in playing guitar recently! Good luck to everyone. Maybe in a few months we can set out on a MM tour!!

>AT 02:26 PM (MST)

>The DVD that came with my
>daughters acoustic guitar is of
>a guy expaining chords on
>an electic guitar. Would these
>chords be the same on
>an acoustic guitar? I'm not
>sure. Kind of a funny
>coincidence how so many have
>the interest in playing guitar
>recently! Good luck to everyone.
>Maybe in a few months
>we can set out
>on a MM tour!!

Same chords, but electric guys will often focus on power chords and rock chords used for playing that type of music. The chord structure is the same though. I like playing power chord stuff on my acoustic (blink 182, green day, etc.)


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