Any farmers out there?



How is your harvest coming? I haven;t started yet but will start soybeans after my Oct 1 hunt in wyoming. This could be the best crops I have ever grown. Will not know until we are into the crops for sure but it looks good at this stage.

I was doing good till the wild pigs ate it all and went goofy running around and committing

My story is a lot like kilo's..

My crops were doing good until the critters found it and devoured it...About 20 minutes later they car-jacked a Frito-Lay truck and drove it to the nearest Taco Bell..


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LMAO boys. I have about 200 acres of wheat to sow the end of this next week. I need to just chip the top layer with the disc and knock down the 3-4 in weeds and then sow. Turned it all over about 2 weeks ago. This is grazing wheat not seed.

Good luck with the beans!! How is the market? Normally great year = chitty price, like always:) Good luck!
Kilo, I told you not to plant that wacky weed without spreading cougar urine around the field to keep out the four legged varmints.

Now I'll wait for your story about how you milked that cougar to get some urine to spread on your crop of wacky weed.

I was going to start 4th cutting of alfalfa tomorrow. It rained about .5 so I'm glad it is still standing. I guess I'll go into the Black Canyon instead (I was planning on going in Friday night). That makes next week super busy, alfalfa, start pintos, plant some wheat trials in Hayden, CO. Soybeans will come off about October 10 I'm guessing.
My step dads place produced. 155 Acres of corn chopped for silage, 5-10 more acres tomorrow! Turned out to be a good year... would like one more cutting of hay but good enough year to run 600-1000 head of cows!
Thats about the time I normally start but this year has been warm and wet so we are a week or so ahead of normal. I'm hunting in Wyoming on Oct 1 for a week or so then its back to teaching and harvesting our crops. And by the way the price has risen to be pretty good.
Drifter, are you a school teacher? If so, what subject area or grade? I have forty acres of corn and I will get it harvested probably this week. The price is real good here in southern Illinois right out of the field---$about $4.75 per bushel. We are really dry considering it is almost October and we are about 13" of rainfall behind out yearly average. Good luck in hunting Wyoming next week. Cowtag
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-10 AT 06:30PM (MST)[p]Just finished the 3rd cut of alfalfa. It was ok... nothing record breaking. Anything else that comes is pasture.

Soybeans? I thought they all came from China or something.

P/S when I eat meat & taters I want it to be MEAT & TATERS not some TOFU.


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