any direct tv experts?


Very Active Member
I've had direct tv for about a year and have 2 TVs hooked up. I want to upgrade at least one to a DVR.

Is there a way to get this for free ? Do I need to say anything specific to cust service? If I have to pay, that's fine, but there are usually ways to get upgrades for free with most services.

Thanks in advance?

Btw, If anyone ever has printer issues just shoot me a pm and I can usually help.


I have the same set-up as you. My uncle got the DVR about a year ago when they were running a special. I think he got it for free and pays about 10 bucks more a month. I checked awhile back and they said they were'nt running that special anymore but to keep checking in since they usually have specials coming and going all the time.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
Same here got the dvr for nothing but ya gota pay for the service. Skip that step and get the HDDVR. I dont watch alot of tv but you cant beat HD
Yeah, I want to hook it up to the HD flat panel on the bedroom wall. I don't have the hd service though, so does it matter?

I was thinking about asking to be transferred to the cancellation dept if they won't hook me up. That always works with t-mobile.


>>I was thinking about asking to be transferred to the cancellation dept if they won't hook me up. That always works with t-mobile.

LOL, no kidding, I used that twice with Sprint.
I recently did just what you are contemplating. They told me they have a $100 rebate if you get an HD receiver (cost $99) or an HD-DVR receiver (cost $299), but that only applys if you are a new customer. Existing customers get no rebate for upgrading to HD.

Cost of HD is $9.95 per month and an extra $5 or $6 if you have the DVR. I have know ideal how they justify charging more per month if you have the DVR since you pay more for the equipment up front and it does not require anything from them to provide "DVR" programing (there is no such thing). Just a rip off if you ask me, but I did not know until I was already committed to the HD-DVR. The HD pictures are awesome depending, of course, on your TV.

andy if you call dtv ask when your contract expires usually they will throw a promo your way if you renew with the dvr i got it didnt cost me anything but shipping


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