Any Current News On Growth?

  • Thread starter High_Country101
  • Start date


Me and slam were out shooting today It was such a great day, that it made me wonder if their were any of you guys out in the hills this weekend? Did anyone get any good pics of some antler growth that they would like to post? We saw lots of antilope but thats all. Would love to hear what you saw, and see some pics if you have any.
Well no pics. and this is not what you were looking for but I did see some Blacktail two of them were as wide as their ears and both had eyeguards. I know you were referring to Muleys but where I live there is only Blacktail.

all growth was stifled by the snow, cold prevents that at least on me it does ;-) biggest deer ive seen so far has been out to his ears and up to the first forks elk wise its just past the forks. Btw slam, i saw the first possible monster bull couple of nights ago if he grows backs like his fronts then he is gonna be a stud and a half im gonna go way out on a limb here but might just be pushin that magical 400 mark i dunno for sure its early but he was lookin like good one for sure
I was driveing through OR last week and almost hit a buck. He was as wide as his ears and had 4 starter points on each side.


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