Any chance for an antelope hunt this year?



I don't know why, but I've got the bug to go antelope hunting.

Can anyone help me with some info about where I may be able to get a rifle tag, or even a voucher or landowner tag somewhere? I bowhunt a lot, but I'd rather do this with a rifle and I'm not picky--any buck would be a trophy for the 1st one.

I can't afford a guided hunt or excessive tresspass fees, but a couple of hundred bucks for a tag and access might not be out of the question, and I'm not scared of hunting public land either, I just want to go do it.

Thanks guys and try to stay cool--looks like more 100 degree days for us in Western Colorado.
Seems like I saw a Keith Warren show last year where he hunted Antelope on a Golf Course up in Wright, Wyo. above Casper, Wyo.
Bought the tgs over the counter.
I'm sure you will hear from someone that knows more about the OTC Antelope tags if and where they have them. Good luck.....

Hey, Colorado--
Wyoming here, particularly, Gillette.
For about $240 and a form download off Wyo G&F website, you can hook yourself up with a Leftover Lope in this neck o' the high plains.
Areas with sufficient public acreage, enough to have fun in, that is accessible easily, and that have leftover tags, in NE Wyo include Lope 7, 18, 29 and probably 20 for a late hunt. Most other areas do have some accessible public, but not much and they get pounded, or great gobs of public that are locked, or a combination thereof. These areas are fine, but require a bit of homework. They include, in part, Areas 15, 16, 22, 17, 19, 23, 24, 6 and 8. Those I know of, anyway.
The rainfall this Spring has been real good--animals are fat and sassy, racks have taken off--there'll be some decent beasts taken out of these parts this Fall.
Leftover period is only July 10-20.
OTC tags do not include the 'any lope' variety, but are limited to doe/fawn tags. One has to apply to hunt a buck Lope, but can do so until the end of the season as an 'issue after' application. Have to wait until the Leftover Draw is done, though.

Thanks for the help guys! I'm not really sure I understand the process in WY for a leftover tag, but I'll work on that.

Thanks again-- I hope I can work something out.


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